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One of the Most Used Phrases on Earth




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One of the worst:

"Assembly is the reverse of disassembly."




"If a little is good, huge amounts gotta be better"




I love going to yard sales and can't pass up looking at a weed eater, leaf blower, or chainsaw.. ok, ok.. anything with a small engine on it.

I see the prices anywhere from $35-75 for these items. I ask them "Does it run?"

and the most common phrase I hear is "It ran great when I stopped using it xx years ago.."

Most I pick up for $5-10 after a few futile attempts at starting it by the owner..




I love going to yard sales and can't pass up looking at a weed eater, leaf blower, or chainsaw.. ok, ok.. anything with a small engine on it.

I see the prices anywhere from $35-75 for these items. I ask them "Does it run?"

and the most common phrase I hear is "It ran great when I stopped using it xx years ago.."

Most I pick up for $5-10 after a few futile attempts at starting it by the owner..

It's always funny to see there face when you ask them to start it lol




I've been so tempted at times to offer them what they want but, deduct $5.00 for every time they pull the cord. Might even give them a couple of free pulls depending on how much I get to look it over before they start pulling..

Could be fun..

I DO tend to tell them why it won't start even before I make an offer. Gas with Ethanol left in the tank is the worst thing.. Brittle fuel lines and crumbling primer bulbs that disintegrate the first push you give them.. Then there's the carb being so clogged up with gummed up fuel it won't even show up in the primer bubble..

What part of Washington are you in? I'm down here in Vancouver, WA myself.. You know Vancouver.. Washington, not Canada.. Near Portland.. Oregon not Maine.. Washington STATE, not DC.. Yeah, that Vancouver..




Spokane for me lol mini Canada




mini Canada

Don't say that! Born and live within a mile of Ontario border and don't want any association what do ever.
