I am convinced that the gene for backing up is on the Y chromosome.
I can do it. My dad can do it. Even my 12-year-old son can do it.
My wife can barely back her van up the driveway, much less an ATV with a trailer hitched behind.
I have tried, over 25 years of marriage, to convince my wife that BACKING into parking spots (the type where you have vehicles on both sides of you) is MUCH safer and more practical than pulling nose first in, especially today when you are usually boxed in by a truck, or two SUV's, and cannot see much when you do reverse. I drove commercial straight trucks for 31 years, have a MH, a travel trailer, utility trailer, etc. Never have a problem backing up anything I drive. I have always thought if you know how to use the side mirrors (as do all truck drivers) backing up is much easier. In defense of your wife, ATV's are hard to steer at rest or low speeds, and a short trailer is much harder to back up than a longer one. I have a very hard time myself backing up my ATV with an 8 foot utility trailer on it.