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Old Snapper RER




So I was out responding to an add for a free mower in town, put on the side of the curb, but it was gone when I got there. A few streets over though on the way home, there was an old rusty Snapper ride on! I asked the guy in the house if it was trash since it was garbage day and he said yes, take it. It fit perfectly in the back of a Grand Caravan with the back seat folded, middle seat untouched, and the hatch closed. Sweet. Brought it home and didn't look at it until I got home from work. I know it needs a lot of work, like one of everything almost, but the frame is solid, and by turning the drive wheel by hand I can move the transmission in both directions. What it needs are an engine, a gas tank, a deck, the ignition switch and a seat. The tires almost look new, the steering has a bit of slop but some new bushings should solve that. There is an add locally with a 25" deck that looks similar, maybe it'll work, and for only 20 bucks. I plan to grind the rust off, repaint, find an engine, even if it's only pull start and have it mowing by next summer. Looks like a basket case but what I see is an ugly beginning to a cool project. From the steering I would guess this to be 80's vintage, but I can't find a data plate. Pics to come.




The shifter and clutch both work, tested them when I took the photos. Didn't try the brakes yet. The blade clutch works as well and the spindle is free, but the deck is beyond saving I think. I may be able to manufacture something if the $20 deck doesn't work but it will be a LOT of work and not pretty. There is a lot of rust but the bones are solid and I think with a motor is will work fine. Maybe Princess Auto will have a clearance sale on the China clones they sell.




This looks like an awesome project.




I tested the brakes and they work too. So it literally just needs paint and an engine. I found an add locally where a guy have a Ford RER, Toro RER (both with engines) and a full size lawn tractor wanting to trade for a push mower. I happen to have 3 running mowers for sale right now! I know the RER's will fit in my van, but the tractor is missing the front suspension and steering and I'd need to get a trailer. I'm going to offer a mower for the 2 RER's, I'll take the best engine and get rid of the rest for a case of beer. This could work out great, the guy with the 25" deck hasn't gotten back to me yet...




This looks like an interesting, and challenging project. I took a similar approach when we retired to the country. We had a yard filled with trees, weeds and rocks. I spent the better part of the first year getting rid of the rocks...some the size of basketballs...got the yard pretty much leveled out with all the dirt the contractor had to dig out for the basement, and got some grass started. Then, instead of buying a nice rider, I found a used Snapper RER at a local dealer, that needed and engine and spindle. I got it cheap, found an engine, spindle, and some misc. parts on EBAY, and rebuilt it. All told, I put about $600 into buying it and getting it running good. I saved money for a new ZTR for when the old Snapper 33" finally gives out, but it is still running good and doing the job after 11 years....so I still have the ZTR money. I mow well over an acre, and have a Toro Personal Pace that I use to go around the trees, and flowerbeds, etc., then the old Snapper does the rest. Over the years, I've had to replace the belt, drive disc, a couple of blades, and had to weld a cracked deck once, but other than that, it has done the job. Right now, the deflector chute is pretty chewed up, but I will get a new one for a few dollars this Fall, and it should be ready for another year of mowing. I keep looking at new ZTR's, but so long as I can keep this old Snapper going for a few bucks a year, the ZTR money can stay in the bank. With only a 33" cut, it takes a little longer, but being retired, I have the time.




Hey Verve,
In post #2, I see the nomenclature tag on the front face of the heavy bracket that the tube frame and seat are attached to. It's on the left side, under the seat--you can see it in the very top picture. Is the deck rusted thru?? It doesn't look THAAAT bad. That's the good Hi-Vac deck too, not the kinda squared off beater that's usually on the old machines. I'd say you got a really good score!!! Have fun!:smile:




Good eye, I didn't see the tag at first glance. I'll go check it out. The deck unfortunately is toast. It's rotten through at least 25% of the entire deck and most of the rest is paper thin.


It's a model 25085, serial number 63007203




Good eye, I didn't see the tag at first glance. I'll go check it out. The deck unfortunately is toast. It's rotten through at least 25% of the entire deck and most of the rest is paper thin.


It's a model 25085, serial number 63007203

The drive disk for the motor can be found on ebay as well as motors.
Mine had a 8hp Briggs & Stratton. The deck has to be a Snapper.
You need another unit with a deck.
You can stand the snapper up on it butt and check out the deck.




The deck is definitely toast. The guy selling the 25" deck locally isn't responding to inquiries, but I have plenty of time to find one. I'm open as to what engine to put on, I'm not concerned with originality. This one would have had an 8HP. But if I can find a 12 HP that would be great.




The deck is definitely toast. The guy selling the 25" deck locally isn't responding to inquiries, but I have plenty of time to find one. I'm open as to what engine to put on, I'm not concerned with originality. This one would have had an 8HP. But if I can find a 12 HP that would be great.

A 12 Hp Briggs & Stratton could/should have a 1" shaft. I think that is what a snapper drive disk is.
You should get a drive disk first. I could send a picture if you want. Or you could buy mine.
It is the disk with pulley from a 1977 snapper comet.




Haven't been on in a while. I'm in no big hurry for an engine yet, I won't proceed until I find a suitable deck locally as shipping will be expensive. I've seen disc drives listed before, so I know that won't be the project stopper.




this is a very cool project hope it all works out because that mower will be the talk of the town.




Haven't been on in a while. I'm in no big hurry for an engine yet, I won't proceed until I find a suitable deck locally as shipping will be expensive. I've seen disc drives listed before, so I know that won't be the project stopper.

Have you done any more with this Snapper?

I had a friend give me a Model 25066 serial # 73002032
Looks very similar to yours.
How do you know it had an 8 HP?
I looked and saw it said they came with 6 HP engines

I was wondering if this 7.75 HP would do as it is only a 25" cut.





Have you done any more with this Snapper?

I had a friend give me a Model 25066 serial # 73002032
Looks very similar to yours.
How do you know it had an 8 HP?
I looked and saw it said they came with 6,7, and 8 HP engines

I was wondering if this 7.75 HP would do as it is only a 25" cut.


As long as it had the heavy flywheel it will work and do a good job. If you get it just make sure to mount it where the carb faces the seat, that way the carb will be up when stood on end.




Too bad you are not closer..
I just took a fine running Tecumseh 10 HP off my Snapper
You could have it for cheap..

Try and find a used disc drive as they are $60 without shipping on eBay..

Here is a link to part you will need..

Snapper 28085S - Snapper 28 Rear-Engine Rider, 8 HP, Series 5 Drive Disc Assembly Diagram and Parts List | PartsTree.com

It is a 1" shaft motor you need..




Too bad you are not closer..
I just took a fine running Tecumseh 10 HP off my Snapper
You could have it for cheap..

Try and find a used disc drive as they are $60 without shipping on eBay..

Here is a link to part you will need..

Snapper 28085S - Snapper 28 Rear-Engine Rider, 8 HP, Series 5 Drive Disc Assembly Diagram and Parts List | PartsTree.com

It is a 1" shaft motor you need..

There is an engine on my Snapper. The man said it was bad. I have not had time to look at it as I am working 3 jobs (part-time) for a while, and it interferes with my play time.
