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old coil or ignition?




I have an old Greens mower and am trying to find a part. The numbers from the mower are Jacobsen Model #62230T 5806, I can also make out 501ENG#501279
WICO X17920
Prestolite Co. Springfield Mass
I have attached a picture of this part,
Can anyone identify it for me?





That is a CD Breakerless Magneto. This manual (I know it is not your model) may help you.

http://fairfieldcountyweather.com/PDFfiles/Jacobsen 321 Service Manual.pdf




That is a CD Breakerless Magneto. This manual (I know it is not your model) may help you.

http://fairfieldcountyweather.com/PDFfiles/Jacobsen 321 Service Manual.pdf

Thanks for the information, at this point everything is a help and I appreciate it.




Thanks for the information, at this point everything is a help and I appreciate it.

Still looking for this part or something close to get this mower operable, any ideas?




I have looked for that part with no luck trying to find the entire magneto. Are you sure the magneto is your problem? Where did you get the WICO number? Did you go through the troubleshooting procedure listed in the manual I posted? Do you have any implement dealers around that have a mechanic who works on magneto systems, who might be able to get you the individual coils? I know I am asking a lot of questions, but I don't have the unit in my hands, and I always triple check these systems before I replace parts.
