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oil turning black and engine using oil




Ferris IS700Z....Briggs and Stratton 28HP Twin.....524 hours....4 years oil....I had a broken push rod (aluminum) in the oil sump ...a mechanic removed pulled the engine and removed it....when i got the mover back it was using oil and turning it black...no smoke and no leaks !!!.:confused2:..Scrathing our heads ...the new plugs were white on the end... looked like a white fuzzy mushroom.. after just a few hours...I noticed the oil cooler wasn't snug on the engine ...missing 2 of the 4 screws...Just sounds like the oil is getting hot.....We will see after running it today....Im still not sure how oil is forced through the oil filter/cooling system...nothing on YouTube that spells it out in a simple manner.....




How about providing us with then model and code of your briggs engine so we can see what flavor of engine you have.




How about providing us with then model and code of your briggs engine so we can see what flavor of engine you have.
model 49L97 type 0125GS :licking:




model 49L97 type 0125GS :licking:
after 2 hours use today same issue added almost 3/4 quart ...I added after each hour......the mower didn't use any oil before the engine was pulled....i have changed to oil every 40 hours...changed air filter 3 times a year....oil was always heathy looking until 40 hours......something isn't right....dang thing sure runs great....no smoking....just dont know where the oil is going....engine is clean as a baby's butt...top and bottom....:confused2::...it isnt even hot outside...little chilly....i bet it uses more oil when the temp gets to 80 plus...we mow arounf 10....and keep the deck medium level.....




Oil just doesn't disappear without leaving a trail.

There are only two ways for oil to escape from the engine: Leaks, or out the exhaust. Losing 3/4 quart of oil in two hours should leave a hell of a mess if it's leaking.

If there are no leaks, then it's going out the exhaust. You already have evidence of that--the spark plugs. However, I've never seen spark plugs turn white from burning oil. They usually turn black.

Something else happened either during the broken pushrod event or the teardown/reassembly of the engine. If you want to save this engine, you might as well look into it now. Even now may be too late if it has broken rings.

Hopefully it will be something the mechanic did and they will make good on their mistake. Don't hold your breath, though.




The white deposits on the spark plugs, if it is effecting both cylinders mean the oil is going out the breather and is being drawn through the intake and is being burned. The broken push rod is normally associated with a valve guide in the head that has moved due to heat damage. Was the head examined for issues. Possibly a blown head gasket, if not a valve issue. Another issue that can cause problems is the camshaft lobes will wear down causing a short open valve direction. If the intake isn't opening correctly will act like a siphon for the open, because it will pull the oil past the rings, and then push it out the exhaust.

the black oil definitely sounds like blow by of exhaust past either a blown head gasket or damaged rings/cylinder wall. You are going to need to pull valve covers, and check valve operation. possibly pull the heads, and look at cylinder walls,




The white deposits on the spark plugs, if it is effecting both cylinders mean the oil is going out the breather and is being drawn through the intake and is being burned. The broken push rod is normally associated with a valve guide in the head that has moved due to heat damage. Was the head examined for issues. Possibly a blown head gasket, if not a valve issue. Another issue that can cause problems is the camshaft lobes will wear down causing a short open valve direction. If the intake isn't opening correctly will act like a siphon for the open, because it will pull the oil past the rings, and then push it out the exhaust.

the black oil definitely sounds like blow by of exhaust past either a blown head gasket or damaged rings/cylinder wall. You are going to need to pull valve covers, and check valve operation. possibly pull the heads, and look at cylinder walls,

Thanks for your knowledge. I agree with you ....I want to do a test ....Disconnect one of the rubber hoses from the oil cooler...crank it up for just a few seconds and see if oil comes out like a cut arotia vein....might be a silly test but it would make me fill better that oil is circulationing through the filter
......any thoughts ?.....:cool:




May be a silly test, just pull the plug wires off and crank the engine without starting. You would be surprised how fast the oil could come out of that hose.




May be a silly test, just pull the plug wires off and crank the engine without starting. You would be surprised how fast the oil could come out of that hose.
Headed to Southern Florida (PORT Charlotte) for Mothers day in the morning.....I would rather have two root canals than drive that long trip...just to visit family....but she is 89...not many good years left......I will dig in on Briggs and Stratton when i return.....the end of next week...thanks for the advise..Im sure more questions will follow :drink:




Enjoy the time you have left with them. I had a guy stop by late this evening and was asking if I knew a certain person, and I said yes, I have his lawnmower waiting to be picked up. The guy said thank you. The guy said he was his nephew and he passed away yesterday. They were not sure were the mower was, but through other contacts he was lead to me. Talked to the guy about half an hour, and was talk the customer had been ill for about a week, and was admitted to the hospital. He had a stroke. The day after he was admitted to the hospital his wife fell in their home, and fractured her hip, and cracked 3 ribs, and was also admitted to the same hospital 3 doors down from her husband. Both were transferred to a nursing home, were my customer passed away last night.




Enjoy the time you have left with them. I had a guy stop by late this evening and was asking if I knew a certain person, and I said yes, I have his lawnmower waiting to be picked up. The guy said thank you. The guy said he was his nephew and he passed away yesterday. They were not sure were the mower was, but through other contacts he was lead to me. Talked to the guy about half an hour, and was talk the customer had been ill for about a week, and was admitted to the hospital. He had a stroke. The day after he was admitted to the hospital his wife fell in their home, and fractured her hip, and cracked 3 ribs, and was also admitted to the same hospital 3 doors down from her husband. Both were transferred to a nursing home, were my customer passed away last night.[/QUOTESuch

Such a sad story....The older we get the more people dissappear.....My goal in life is to out live my mother.....I just dont want her to go to my funeral...I have congestive heart failure..call cardiomyopathy....after seeing several cardiolgist they all agree...they gave me 3 to 5 years to live...but that was 6 years ago....I quit my stressful job of 35 years with AutoZone...had two stents put into the widow maker vein...went through cardiaic rehabition twice..now i hit the gym 3 times a week...lost weight...changed my diet to damn rabbit food..the left side of my heart is stable right now...im taking that new medication that you probaly see in TV Entresto...has a jingle "Tommorrow" Tommorrow" it extends your life extra days....My GrandMother buried 4 of her children ..so sad...No one in my family knows my condition....just cant risk the chance of my mother finding out...she is a worry wart...Whats so damn crazy is that i never had the first heart symtom...no chest pains..no tiredness...nothing....the damn medicine makes me feel like Hell and a bleed like a pig on minor scratches....:confused2:......Got to get off my butt...pack...hit the road....Later:thumbsup:




Enjoy the time you have left with them. I had a guy stop by late this evening and was asking if I knew a certain person, and I said yes, I have his lawnmower waiting to be picked up. The guy said thank you. The guy said he was his nephew and he passed away yesterday. They were not sure were the mower was, but through other contacts he was lead to me. Talked to the guy about half an hour, and was talk the customer had been ill for about a week, and was admitted to the hospital. He had a stroke. The day after he was admitted to the hospital his wife fell in their home, and fractured her hip, and cracked 3 ribs, and was also admitted to the same hospital 3 doors down from her husband. Both were transferred to a nursing home, were my customer passed away last night.

Just returned from visiting mother for 5 long nights in Southern Florida...then wife complaining about going to Florida and never seeing the beech...so Panama City was a good resting place about half way home. Spent two nights at Holiday inn...was really nice...for $183 a night .... no veterans discount..but just giving me a room was enough for me..all they had was a smoking room availiable....Hell im a X smoker ...sure smelled good to me ...the room they gave me was occupied...i busted in on a young couple..i almost got a free peak show...oh well my luck sucks...manager gave me another room...I highly recommend this place...

since my mower is running good and will not have it worked on until off season...and still adding oil every 45 minutes..im not going to buy B&S high priced oil...im going to use a SAE 30..oil Rotella....$18 for a gallon at AutoZone ..less my 20% retired discount....Does this sound OK ..I figure it doesnt matter right now ???? What cha Think ???......




Just returned from visiting mother for 5 long nights in Southern Florida...then wife complaining about going to Florida and never seeing the beech...so Panama City was a good resting place about half way home. Spent two nights at Holiday inn...was really nice...for $183 a night .... no veterans discount..but just giving me a room was enough for me..all they had was a smoking room availiable....Hell im a X smoker ...sure smelled good to me ...the room they gave me was occupied...i busted in on a young couple..i almost got a free peak show...oh well my luck sucks...manager gave me another room...I highly recommend this place...

since my mower is running good and will not have it worked on until off season...and still adding oil every 45 minutes..im not going to buy B&S high priced oil...im going to use a SAE 30..oil Rotella....$18 for a gallon at AutoZone ..less my 20% retired discount....Does this sound OK ..I figure it doesnt matter right now ???? What cha Think ???......

I bet your swamped with questions this time of the year..................... : )
