You are running 16to1 mix in a 32to1 motor. The extra oil is masking the problem. Any time the rings are replaced, the end gap has to be checked and rings fitted as needed. LB service manual calls for .005-.015 end gap. When running a motor without enough ring end gap, as the motor warms up to normal operating temperature the rings expand and the ends of the rings butt into each other, then this forces the rings out tight binding against the cylinder wall. This causes increased fiction and results in the motor running hot and over heating making the piston expand and getting tight in the bore. The extra oil will also cause binding and packing of the ring grooves sticking the rings and ports with carbon. The tight rings and carbon will cause cylinder wall scoring. This motor really needs to be taken apart and the end gap of the rings fitted to the proper clearances before it is too late and major damage happens. Also anytime the rings are replaced the cylinder needs to be honed to break the glaze so the new rings will seat properly to have good compression. Not honing the cylinder will keep the rings from never seating.