Need some help to isolate to a brand name mower. Looking for push mowers self-propeled or not self-propeled, with good quality engines (honda assumed)... Price point is high end big box store\low end local dealers. Mower will be primarily used for avg 1\2 acre, Mower will also be for start of comercial lawn mowing business for two young teenage boys- mowing 2-3 1/2 acre lots per day, so easy starting and good reliability are strong requirments.
1) light, ultra reliable, inexpensive, non self propeled
2) high quality, self propeled, push mower
As a final thought, I used 2 stroke lawn boys as a kid, and never had a problem pushing. I suppose those days of light mowers are over? Or can I still get one that works well for option 1. :smile:
I will say that I own two Honda mowers, an HRR and an HRX. Hands down the hrx is a beast and is the best mower I've ever used but it's a tad heavy compared to the HRR. The hrx will cut through anything while the hrr handles its own but if the grass is too wet the grass needs bagged as it'll leave big clumps at timesmost likely due to the hrx having a 190cc motor compared to the hrr's 160cc.