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No start no spark




Hello everyone I have a snapper pro express 48in with a command pro 15 pull start. I was mowing and it just quit. I checked for spark and had none I then pull the plug with the three wires and have spark and it starts but PTO won't engage and when I plug the harness back in it dies I have continuity at key switch PTO switch PTO has good resistance safety switch under both paddles are good I'm really stumped
If anyone can give me guidance it would be much appreciatedIMG_20190922_130441.jpg




You either have a shorted wire on the mower side or one of those safety switches isn't working correctly. You are getting a engine kill ground when you should have one. So I would suspect one of the switches on the safety paddles or a shorted wire going to one of the paddles.




We got it thanks so much brother. Unplugged both of the safety switches it started right up blades engaged then plugged in switch at a time it died on the second one swapped switch around then died on the first So I got a new switch coming
