I know this sounds strange, but I wish there was snow here so I would have something to do. I guess I'm getting really bored because I'm jealous of everyone who's having to shovel:laughing: Anyone else feel the same? It's not just the shoveling, I just think winter feels nicer when there's snow involved.
Snow is a fickle thing. Sometimes we love it and sometimes we hate it. I really don't have much of a snow issue where I am though family members have to deal with it more.
abeja,you can have all you want of mine,only you gotta haul it. russ
Winter does feel more like winter when there's snow. I grew up near DC, and whatever snow we had melted within a day or two. Winter was a dull brown mess. Now, winter is white and cold and much more wintry, although much too long.
I love snow, miss it like crazy and wish I had it. I lived for some years in Norway, where snow is abundant :smile: While there I got to miss the winters without snow, but now I miss the snow again.
I guess it is human, we 'miss' or 'want' what we do not have, but when we get it we will 'miss' or 'want' what we used to have......
Anyways, a Christmas is not a Christmas unless there is snow....at least that is how I feel about it.