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No more income taxes for 4 years




Well I will be paying no incomes taxes the next four years as I found a legal loophole that allows me to not support a convicted criminal lead government. That starts this very tax year season. Basically I don't have to show a profit but once every five years and then it just has to be only a slight profit.

So this is my executive order as of today. Maintain the status quo of the 2024 year for at least the next four years. They can not force me to make a profit.

So anyone that wants to join this movement they are welcome. I can serve my customers as long as I break even and keep from being bored.




And when it comes to new tariffs I welcome them as I will pass them along with my added 35% markup to the poor consumer suckers. Not going hurt me on resales as I will pass them fully along.


$100 marked up 35% $153.84 then with 25% tariff added that becomes $125 marked up 35% it becomes $192.31. An additional profit of $38.47 for me.

$200 marked up 35% $307.69 then with 25% tariff added that becomes $250 marked up 35% it becomes $384.62. An additional profit of $76.93 for me.

OR basically I could make an additional 20%. This is provided that I want to make a profit but most likely I will not just to keep from paying income taxes.


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

And when it comes to new tariffs I welcome them as I will pass them along with my added 35% markup to the poor consumer suckers. Not going hurt me on resales as I will pass them fully along.


$100 marked up 35% $153.84 then with 25% tariff added that becomes $125 marked up 35% it becomes $192.31. An additional profit of $38.47 for me.

$200 marked up 35% $307.69 then with 25% tariff added that becomes $250 marked up 35% it becomes $384.62. An additional profit of $76.93 for me.

OR basically I could make an additional 20%. This is provided that I want to make a profit but most likely I will not just to keep from paying income taxes.
I make a living and that is it. I pay sales tax, property tax, double social security, state tax, and federal tax. Probably missed something, but you get the point. My point is that as you “adjust” your real income that the government taxes you on, you also affect the amount of social security that will be paid when you start taking it upon retirement. Therefore the less your reported income, the less social security benefits. The government doesn’t ask people if they want to opt out of social security, they just start taking your money early in life. Personally I am for no social safety net at all, including social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare of any kind, etc. The problem is we don’t get to pick and choose.




You support a dictator if you wish but I won't....




What make and model is the lawnmower that’s being talked about on this post?




What make and model is the lawnmower that’s being talked about on this post?
This is posted in the Front porch which is for off topic discussions So doesn't have to be mower or equipment related.




What I was working on was JD Z925A/Z950R hybrid ZTR. I just told Gardner my distributor to take a long hike on a short pier.




This is posted in the Front porch which is for off topic discussions So doesn't have to be mower or equipment related.

There's a lot of discussions here that aren't mower related. And that's fine, as far as I'm concerned.




There's a lot of discussions here that aren't mower related. And that's fine, as far as I'm concerned.
Same here...




One thing this forum needs in a huge sense of humor. Rather lacking....... Everyone, have a great $14.99 a dozen egg day LOL.




One thing this forum needs in a huge sense of humor. Rather lacking....... Everyone, have a great $14.99 a dozen egg day LOL.

My local egg man is still $3 dozen.



Honest Abe

hmmm, what's missing from Star Tech's avatar photo is a magnificent orange glow .....




Well I will be paying no incomes taxes the next four years as I found a legal loophole that allows me to not support a convicted criminal lead government. That starts this very tax year season. Basically I don't have to show a profit but once every five years and then it just has to be only a slight profit.

So this is my executive order as of today. Maintain the status quo of the 2024 year for at least the next four years. They can not force me to make a profit.

So anyone that wants to join this movement they are welcome. I can serve my customers as long as I break even and keep from being bored.
Typical Lib**rd




Typical Lib**rd
Well it at least I not the idiot that decided to fire those that protects our nuclear arsenal and then had someone else to whitewash it to cover his hemorrhoids.

Besides I have pretty well closed up the shop and stop providing free technical support. I just surf here to extract data now. No point giving away free advice when I got bills to pay.



Honest Abe

Well it at least I not the idiot that decided to fire those that protects our nuclear arsenal and then had someone else to whitewash it to cover his hemorrhoids.

Besides I have pretty well closed up the shop and stop providing free technical support. I just surf here to extract data now. No point giving away free advice when I got bills to pay.
uhmm, how do you pay your bills by closing up shop... hmmm....




uhmm, how do you pay your bills by closing up shop... hmmm....
Because I can game the system just like 47 does. Honestly went out the door when 47 got elected.



Honest Abe

Because I can game the system just like 47 does. Honestly went out the door when 47 got elected.
you'll come to regret that decision too ...




Well that was 400 off the books (under the table, cash deal) yesterday. Can't trace all cash deals if I don't put the money in the bank.




You support a dictator if you wish but I won't....

Strong the TDS in this one is.




View attachment 70513

Strong the TDS in this one is.
And getting even more as I get stabbed in the back more and more. Doing contract work, then contract gets cancelled and they refuse pay for work already done before the cancellation. They get benefit of the work done without paying; not fair at all to ripoff your contractors just because you can.



Honest Abe

And getting even more as I get stabbed in the back more and more. Doing contract work, then contract gets cancelled and they refuse pay for work already done before the cancellation. They get benefit of the work done without paying; not fair at all to ripoff your contractors just because you can.
:unsure: those folks are usually referred to as Dem's ... 😤




It doesn't matter if they are Dems, Repubs, or Independents if they pull this crap they are plain thieves and deserve to be put in prison. As I said I am basically going out of business because of these thieves. Several workers here already got the ax because of them. Can't pay them if I don't get paid.



Honest Abe

It doesn't matter if they are Dems, Repubs, or Independents if they pull this crap they are plain thieves and deserve to be put in prison. As I said I am basically going out of business because of these thieves. Several workers here already got the ax because of them. Can't pay them if I don't get paid.
always get a $ deposit $ - works for me . . . . .




always get a $ deposit $ - works for me . . . . .
If a customer can't be trusted they are not worth having. I have gotten rid several this last year. And I am still one customers skid loader because did a stop payment on another repair. Matter of fact it is a class 4 felony here for doing a stop payment and his butt has been turned over to the local law enforcement.




You support a dictator if you wish but I won't....
That statement, made in public, would get you at least 10 - 20 years in prison in countries that actually have a dictator.




Or you accidentally fall out of window of a three story or higher building but I not the first to say it he said he would be a dictator on day one and he proving every day now.

But as I said I am not paying any Federal taxes the next four years because I don't have to show a profit but once every five years and it is not that hard to operate at a net zero profit level. Matter of fact I am currently at $150 in the red right now.




View attachment 70513

Strong the TDS in this one is.

Trump's not near as bad as he left makes him out to be. But he's not near as good as his supporters make him out to be.
Next month, the CR comes up. We'll see just how serious he is about cutting spending.
$1 says it still spends way over budget. And Trump, in true Trump fashion, will still claim victory by announcing the spending cuts. Even though there'll probably be hundreds of billions in overspending built into the CR.




I'm trying to figure out how any of this is the fault of the government. The government doesn't dictate the economy and 99.9999% of the details involved in it.
Trump nor Biden makes the economy better. They don't make the personal decisions for the business owners or the businesses themselves.




Careful, now this is getting into politics. Not allowed, as you know.




The problem is we can't go cold turkey on spending. Yes we need to get the spending under control but we still have obligations too.

It just like us, there is a limited income that has to be managed as we pay down our debits. Otherwords to responsively pay our debits and make few new debits. But we can't cut off our noses to sprite our faces either. It is the same with every one out there.

Businesses, governments, and individuals are same in this respect. This what killing my business as customer are cutting back on spending and the business bills are going up for the same items that has to be replaced. Otherwords some items are costing more to replace than what I sold them for. I actually could use a 10K loan but I had to take a pass on it as it is just not in the budget this year. I am not going in debit just to have file bankruptcy later.




The problem is we can't go cold turkey on spending.

Wrong !!!!!




Then try it yourself quit your current job with no replacement and see if your debits simply goes away. Normally they wont go away. Oh they might when they take all your possessions and put you out on the street or worst in jail. You will still have debits to pay, but you want have anything for new spending; that is if you have enough in savings.

I have been nearly there myself except I was lucky enough to have nearly all my debits paid when I got laid off and couldn't find a replacement job. The only thing I lost was the apartment that I had leased. I had to move back in with my mother.



Honest Abe

Wrong !!!!!
that depends largely on who you're married to, my wife is more frugal than me so no problem at all ....




that depends largely on who you're married to, my wife is more frugal than me so no problem at all ....

He's talking about government spending. They could go cold turkey on a LOT of their spending.




Then try it yourself quit your current job with no replacement and see if your debits simply goes away. Normally they wont go away. Oh they might when they take all your possessions and put you out on the street or worst in jail. You will still have debits to pay, but you want have anything for new spending; that is if you have enough in savings.

I have been nearly there myself except I was lucky enough to have nearly all my debits paid when I got laid off and couldn't find a replacement job. The only thing I lost was the apartment that I had leased. I had to move back in with my mother.

That has nothing to do with the government. Whether or not you can find a job quickly has nothing to do with politics. The government doesn't create jobs. Consumers do.




That has nothing to do with the government. Whether or not you can find a job quickly has nothing to do with politics. The government doesn't create jobs. Consumers do.
But they can destroy them.

I had two a fold problem back in the 2000's. I had worked 16 yrs repairing equipment, basic ran the local service offices by myself. It was either I had too much experience or didn't a ton certification papers. These certification papers are a joke as you are basically paying someone to make out like they are training you even although you know more than they do due to experience.

After two years of trying I finally went into business and did exactly what they were afraid of me doing I started taking away their clients as I knew how they were cheating the customers. When the market changed I change over to the current repair field. That was 16 yrs ago and now some the current parts sources are now trying to hire me but I won't do it because the legal documents they want me to sign basically makes me into their slave. I willing to work for the other guy as it removes a lot the headaches of running your own business but I am not going to be a slave to them.

Now this has over the course of the years since '79. The company I ended up quitting over their ridiculous minute to minute work logging as if wasn't the bunk of the work for only $6.25/hr. (8yrs) The straw broke on the I had one my bad migraines and had a touch of the flu bug. It had took me ten minutes to use the bathroom. They pissed me off by asking what took so long and I told them everything graphic details. Three weeks later I walked after I hired into the second for $9.50 as preventative maintenance tech. I did know I was walking into a nightmare of a major merger at the time. The second company just went under after 8 yrs but I was at $16.50/hr went they laid me off. If it wasn't trying to kill old durable equipment after 5 yrs of being sold they would have still been in business.

So I took a pay cut to work back at the first company at $9.50/hr. The management want me to sign a anti compete contract but never produce one for my lawyer to go over. After getting them out their service bind they fired me. At that point I told them off and said at the current you doing things you be out business in a year. Well they made only six months.

Then I did scrap metal for ten years and made darn good money at it until the big corporate downsizing occur in the late 2000's. My competitors start getting into fist fights over the scrapes I left behind. It was time to move on to something else. Then my brother got laid off so he decide to go into business that he no idea of how to do. So I became the office manager doing the purchases of parts, the books, and trained him on the repairs.

After losing over $6000 the first year because he would not stop buying expensive unnecessary tools he went under leaving me holding the bag as their were customers he took under front payments from that he had not completed the work. So I legally on the hook for the repairs so I completed those out of my own pocket. Several of those got pissed when they found out that I done the work instead of my brother. One even said that I had no idea of how to do the repairs. I looked him straight in the face and said who do you think trained him.

My brother went around telling everyone he had quit the business and then when I kept it going started telling everyone I stole his business. I looked at him and said if you want it back pay me for current part inventory and you can have it back but I would stay completely out of it this time around. He realized that there was no way he was going to be able to do what I was doing for him by himself. That was back in 2009 and I been going strong every since until this last year when the IRS screwed up my account and refused to straighten it out. If they were not going to pay the refunds, I wasn't going to make a profit that they could tax. And I didn't according to the books.

This year as usual is starting off in a hole but this time the government is interfering with it too. Along with one major OEM dragging their feet on parts delivery. I seriously considered just dropping the whole Husqvarna line of repairs. Just can't wait on the parts for 2-4 months. As long after market parts are available I keep the customers up and running but that not going to last as some items are OEM only. On top the two main distributors are screwing up too which don't help at all.

If the weather straightens out I got three major repairs to get out then that probably be the end of the work. Two of them are nearly done just got the deck work to get done. Just can't keep fighting the jerks. I just turn one my hobbies into a cash only business where no one can trace things.



Honest Abe

He's talking about government spending. They could go cold turkey on a LOT of their spending.
could have fooled me, there have been times when she's just helped herself to my pocket money, just like our government does . . . . .




could have fooled me, there have been times when she's just helped herself to my pocket money, just like our government does . . . . .
Sorta like Jane on the Jetson's when George is handing her some money instead she takes his wallet.

Even those so called hand outs to poor does support a lot more most even consider to think about, thus brings in more taxes; both the Federal and Local tax guys.

Take someone get food assistance. $180 a month does not go a long way; unless, you are tight and cut out a lot things in the current food market. Say give up on the sugar, condiments, and most meats and then they can survive as long you buy a lot of the reduce priced foods. But that $180 supports the local stores and their employees which in turn supports their vendor and their vendors work forces. All of which pay income taxes and they also support the local businesses in their areas. It is the old tickle down economics.

Right now what happening is all support is getting cutoff so anybody including the government is taking a hit on income. It becomes a vicious cycle of cuts and lack of income.

Some people can con their supporters into giving them all of money. I got couple families that were big Republican supports that gave so much that they can't even afford to fix their roofs. Just a bunch of tires holding the tin roofs down; they can't even afford the nails. And even their food assistance has been cut off now so they are now knocking the local doors begging for food. I wonder if they think they now getting rich.

Charity starts at home first in my opinion; I have very little to spare myself and I need for my own home repairs. Even those I have be very tight on spending for materials. I am lucky enough to know how to do my own repairs. $300 per month only went so far but I stretched old George until you could see thru him.

There is going to be a lot more layoffs than just the main Federal workforce and it just might be your neighbors in the next year or two. Just can't keep doing this and expect us small businesses to keep going. Being the procurement officer here I can stretch old Washing pretty thin and still keep the business going for a while but we start losing too much money then the lights get turned off and everybody goes home without a paycheck.

A lot of the small businesses which really not that small in my opinion depends the SBA loans to get by for new hires and materials. We then pay these loans back with our profits. But the SBA is shutting down just like all the other places like FAA laying off all the recent hires that they spent a lot of money training or the Nuclear security work force. They did this so haphazardly that they can't even contact them to recall them. Tons of training and experience down the sewer. Lots of money wasted with no returns.

But I reckon that is okay if we make the government none functional with the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians taking over. In moments of weakness the enemy will attack.

Not trying to be political just stating facts.



Honest Abe

Sorta like Jane on the Jetson's when George is handing her some money instead she takes his wallet.

Even those so called hand outs to poor does support a lot more most even consider to think about, thus brings in more taxes; both the Federal and Local tax guys.

Take someone get food assistance. $180 a month does not go a long way; unless, you are tight and cut out a lot things in the current food market. Say give up on the sugar, condiments, and most meats and then they can survive as long you buy a lot of the reduce priced foods. But that $180 supports the local stores and their employees which in turn supports their vendor and their vendors work forces. All of which pay income taxes and they also support the local businesses in their areas. It is the old tickle down economics.

Right now what happening is all support is getting cutoff so anybody including the government is taking a hit on income. It becomes a vicious cycle of cuts and lack of income.

Some people can con their supporters into giving them all of money. I got couple families that were big Republican supports that gave so much that they can't even afford to fix their roofs. Just a bunch of tires holding the tin roofs down; they can't even afford the nails. And even their food assistance has been cut off now so they are now knocking the local doors begging for food. I wonder if they think they now getting rich.

Charity starts at home first in my opinion; I have very little to spare myself and I need for my own home repairs. Even those I have be very tight on spending for materials. I am lucky enough to know how to do my own repairs. $300 per month only went so far but I stretched old George until you could see thru him.

There is going to be a lot more layoffs than just the main Federal workforce and it just might be your neighbors in the next year or two. Just can't keep doing this and expect us small businesses to keep going. Being the procurement officer here I can stretch old Washing pretty thin and still keep the business going for a while but we start losing too much money then the lights get turned off and everybody goes home without a paycheck.

A lot of the small businesses which really not that small in my opinion depends the SBA loans to get by for new hires and materials. We then pay these loans back with our profits. But the SBA is shutting down just like all the other places like FAA laying off all the recent hires that they spent a lot of money training or the Nuclear security work force. They did this so haphazardly that they can't even contact them to recall them. Tons of training and experience down the sewer. Lots of money wasted with no returns.

But I reckon that is okay if we make the government none functional with the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians taking over. In moments of weakness the enemy will attack.

Not trying to be political just stating facts.
all my life I've heard said time and time after time, "Someone" should do something!". Well, that time and someone are here. We the People, are the only ones truly too blame. The power of the vote and protest are ours to do with as we please .... jmo




Oh well I just gave 10 employees a two week notice of their termination. I had it the problems introduced this year. They all can find new jobs. Too bad they didn't enough time invested to draw their unemployment. Not planning on re-hiring them later. The boss, I, and one other can handle to work load from now on. We did it before and we can do it again, we just didn't like working 60 hrs a piece each week.



Honest Abe

Oh well I just gave 10 employees a two week notice of their termination. I had it the problems introduced this year. They all can find new jobs. Too bad they didn't enough time invested to draw their unemployment. Not planning on re-hiring them later. The boss, I, and one other can handle to work load from now on. We did it before and we can do it again, we just didn't like working 60 hrs a piece each week.
are you each getting OT $ for those extra 20 hours...?




Nope. I paid on commission on completed jobs. It like an auto mechanic working on book time so if I complete more jobs in a week I get paid more, if completing less jobs I get paid less.
