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New used for Roku remote




Well last night I found a new use for my Roku remote. I turned off a mouse with it.




Is there supposed to be a picture?




No I didn't take a picture. You have to use your imagination and picture the mouse just sitting there one second on the throw rug and the next second laying there permanently a sleep then I ushered it out the door. Of course I went back watching my tv program after washing my hands.

Mice are easy to deal with; its that bitch rat that somehow got in my house that I having a war with right now. Got her and three young ones in the last week. Mouse poison had no affect on them. They eat a half pound and still was running around at night. The mother rat tripped the trap twice before hit her. She was laying next to trap when I found her. The three young ones all been caught by the trap. I figure I got about three more to go. I think she climbed my outside wall of the house and chewed her way in through the screen window as that is the only hole I have found so far, of course I am still looking for holes. It is either that or she got in through an open door.

I hate it when they won't stay outside. I having to keep the wash room locked to keep the kids and pets from getting hurt by the trap. Its a rat trap and not a mouse trap. It will break fingers and severely hurt if not kill pets.




Any poison you get from the store just makes them sick. Find poison with Warfarin in it.
I'll give you a link to what I use, if it's still available knocks them deader than a door nail.








My brother once live trapped a pack rat. That night he took it over to a local drug dealers residence, and let it go over there. Never found any more after that.




Any poison you get from the store just makes them sick. Find poison with Warfarin in it.
I'll give you a link to what I use, if it's still available knocks them deader than a door nail.

I think I'll stick with my cat.
