Hello Everyone,
Thank you for adding me as a member and allowing me access to this very helpful site. I always think of my Mom when I go on these forum/special interest sites and sign up. She never got to see the world with the internet, as she passed in Nov 1989. I always think she would have really dug the internet and sites like this. The information and help available make the internet and forum sites like thits one, a must have! I've lowered my maintanence and repair costs by 80% thanks to sites like this one.
I believe something special and powerful is taking place right now. The age of throw away stuff has passed! I hated it and felt like a heel doing it! I was warned by the Best Buy Manager to avoid using words like "replacement parts" in their store. I thinl one person passed out when they heard me ask for computer parts! WTH? Now I avoid Best Buy and Walmart by fixing my own stuff! I have friends who are mechanical genius'. They may look and act like they are lost and don't know their name, but ask them how to take apart a lawnmower and fix it, troubleshoot it, keep it going another 10 years! Sites like lawnmowerforum.com help guys like me communicate with other members and impart our knowledge of our mower and learn things about our mower, we didn't previously know, like why is my crankshaft loose in the crank case.
Thanks again for having me,
Mike Creel, Smiths Station, AL
Thank you for adding me as a member and allowing me access to this very helpful site. I always think of my Mom when I go on these forum/special interest sites and sign up. She never got to see the world with the internet, as she passed in Nov 1989. I always think she would have really dug the internet and sites like this. The information and help available make the internet and forum sites like thits one, a must have! I've lowered my maintanence and repair costs by 80% thanks to sites like this one.
I believe something special and powerful is taking place right now. The age of throw away stuff has passed! I hated it and felt like a heel doing it! I was warned by the Best Buy Manager to avoid using words like "replacement parts" in their store. I thinl one person passed out when they heard me ask for computer parts! WTH? Now I avoid Best Buy and Walmart by fixing my own stuff! I have friends who are mechanical genius'. They may look and act like they are lost and don't know their name, but ask them how to take apart a lawnmower and fix it, troubleshoot it, keep it going another 10 years! Sites like lawnmowerforum.com help guys like me communicate with other members and impart our knowledge of our mower and learn things about our mower, we didn't previously know, like why is my crankshaft loose in the crank case.
Thanks again for having me,
Mike Creel, Smiths Station, AL