I would Look around the area you have moved to and see what Dealers they have in the Area, Don't buy from one of the Big Box stores, all the Major Brands are good, you say that you have 5 or 6 ac. to mow, the size will depend on if you have any tight places, if not a 60 In. Cut will do you a good job, if You get a Heavy Duty ZTR Mower it will last you for years, I cant say that for 1 of the light duty ZTR mowers trying to cut the size area that you are looking at, if you have many trees and such to trim around, the ZTR will do Circles around a Tractor with a Mower, the ZTRs are Fast and you don't spend time trying to turn around and such, ]
Be Sure and Look at the Deck of what ever Mower you think about buying, don't go with a stamped out Deck,
I have a Toro 3000 with a 52 in. deck, I cut 4 ac. and it takes me about 3 hr. to cut it, I have a number of tight areas that I could not get with a 60 in. deck, had it not been for these tight places I would have gone with a 60 in. Desk, Toro & Ex Mark are both sold at the same Dealer where I bought my mower, the Dealer is about 15 miles away,
Welcome To The Form and Hope You Have a Great Retirement >< I have been Retired since 2002, and it has been great