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New sod fertilization?




We laid St. Augustine sod October 26, 2012. It has been growing fairly well since that time. We were told by the sod farm not to fertilize it at that time but spray it with fungicide and pest control, as well as frequent watering.

When should we fertilize it? What type of fertilizer should we use? The ground doesn't freeze where we are. And Spring is fast approaching!

Not missing those Ohio winters!

Ed Marshall
Hilton Head SC




A lawncare calendar for your grass can be found through Clemson university by entering in the University, the type of grass and home lawncare. About anything anyone could ever want to know about lawncare is available through about every state I have ever been interested in enough to look into by the university extensions. Pretty much everything is available from mowing height to how to kill wild onions as a general rule.
