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New sod eight weeks ago developing light green patches and strange looking grass blades. What's wrong here?




Eight weeks ago new rye-blue grass was professionally installed. The workers followed all the directions re: soil amendments, rototill, leveling, etc. It looked fine until after mowing >6 weeks after install. The sod was authentic and came directly and freshly from a well-known sod grower.

• 1. Large geographic patches of lighter green grass. See picture
• 2. Those lighter areas have grass which looks abnormal. It often has a vertical blade with horizontal off shoot blades. See picture.

Why is this happening with new sod?

Are these normal grass blades?

What would you do now to correct his situation and get uniform color?

Could this be under or over-watering?





Soil test is a must. You don't just drop sod and expect an instant yard.

Root system looks fabulous at 6+ weeks. People like me with hard clay are envious.




Soil test is a must. You don't just drop sod and expect an instant yard.

Root system looks fabulous at 6+ weeks. People like me with hard clay are envious.

Soil test normal / good. Are these specimens normal grass?




They don't look like rye to me. Maybe they are.

Did you smoke off the old lawn prior to laying the sod?




Yes, RoundUp®.

How does the KEY installed??? Does the curved part go in the shaft or into the collar?
