new mower


Active Member
Mar 14, 2011
Well not new, but its new to the shop.

A Cub Cadet with a 20 hp Kohler. Works great but no cutting deck.

I'll start hunting for one soon

Just put the finishing touches on a 74' Turf Pro (MTD) with a 93' 18hp Briggs.

We supertuned it and fixed the deck with full intentions to sell it for about $500.

I took it outside and it worked great. High, low range, 6 gears, reverse. So I said to myself, hmm I only have one mower now and this works great................ I have three boys at home......................

I bought it and it cut mowing time down unbeleivably. Couldn't care less that its an antique, it works great. And best of all no electronics other than lights and a starter.

One hitch though, no weight switch on the seat. Can't be hard to hook one up eh?