Hello, I'm from Northern Ireland. I'm currently working on a 1978 Flymo DXL that my Grandma bought for £2.50. A few years ago the engine that was in it got sent to the scrap yard and I just threw on a smoking 2002 3.5 classic to get me going again.
Now, I'm gonna try and fix her up properly so I bought a 1985 Briggs 3.5hp engine from my local lawnmower repair shop for 40 quid. It come with new recoil rope and handle, new oil and a new plug. It also had a newer primer carb but I plan to build up an automatic choke carb for this one. I believe the engine is from a Mountfield Empress 16 due to the B&S stamping on the shroud and the side-ways pull start.
I'm having problems with the blade adapter/shaft lengths and I've posted a thread on that subject. I'd like to strip the smokey 3 1/2 Briggs to see what is wrong with it and maybe build it up and sell it. I'm going to start repairing buying/selling mowers aswell.
Anyway, here are some photos of my Flymo. The deck is made from cast aluminium. I'll try and find some pictures of it when I got it. The engine was brown and had the vertical pull start.
Just kidding, Mathew, buffing is a lot of work. But I do like polished aluminum. Besides , in hot rod circles they say things that are to pretty are "all show, no go." We want you to be able to mow!
Yeah well I plan on painting it gloss orange and black. And at the minute I'm not able to mow due to the blade adapter being stuck on the shaft (see my thread in the repair section)