New Greenworks cordless electric 3000 psi pressure washer


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
  • / New Greenworks cordless electric 3000 psi pressure washer
For the first time someone has offered a cordless electric pressure washer with performance to rival the corded electric models. In fact this new model from Greenworks has the same performance specifications as its top of the line corded electric model with a maximum pressure of 3000 psi and a maximum flow rate of 2.0 GPM. It uses two 60 volt batteries, and the kit includes two 5Ah batteries and a 6A dual port charger that will fully recharge the two batteries in 100 minutes. It can input water either from a water outlet or can siphon water from a pool or lake. It will run at full power (3000 psi) for 18 minutes or at reduced power (2200 psi) for 25 minutes. The warranty is 4 years on the pressure washer mechanical parts, batteries and charger, and 10 years on the motor.

Right now they are having a 25% off Mother's Day sale, and I just ordered one for $525, which is only $5 more than the separate price for the batteries and charger !


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
  • / New Greenworks cordless electric 3000 psi pressure washer
It will run at full power (3000 psi) for 18 minutes or at reduced power (2200 psi) for 25 minutes.

It would be a waste of my money if I bought it. It took me twice that long yesterday to blast away 5' of accumulated mildew, moss and debris on the 32" wide concrete sidewalk from this winter's rains using a gas powered 2.2 GPM 3200 PSI pump. I can see it now, 2' of cleaning and wait 2 hours to charge the battery. These people who want to convert the world to batteries would be better served to go back to farming, and buy some asses to plough their fields. I can see where this is going. Too bad the manufacturers didn't just say no F---- way and refuse to sell in places that mandate batteries.
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May 16, 2013
  • / New Greenworks cordless electric 3000 psi pressure washer
Thing about a battery is it is dying as soon as you take it off the charger and begin to use it.
Ask your phone !!



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
  • / New Greenworks cordless electric 3000 psi pressure washer
I just saw this review (not mine) on the Greenworks website:

"Great cleaning power, far away from an outlet!​

I've had the 2000psi/1.2GPM plug-in pressure cleaner (GPW2006) for a few years and it has served me well. This year, though, a car accident on our property left a mess that needed a pressure cleaner, well beyond the ~25-foot reach of that power cord (and there is *no* gauge of extension cord allowed beyond another 25 feet!) So, I started looking for "off-grid" capable washers, and this new model by GreenWorks Pro looked like it would fit the bill.
Compared to the 2000 psi unit, this one earns the "Pro" moniker by adding upgraded nozzles (surprisingly more substantial than the older unit, presumably needed with the higher pressure rating) as well as a 15º nozzle. It also adds the ability to siphon water from a bucket instead of being tethered to a hose (although in my case we have enough hoses to reach the place I need it). And, of course, it runs off battery power instead of requiring one to be within 50 feet of an electrical outlet.
I worked for about 35 minutes on two 8Ah batteries (using the "turbo" nozzle, so not quite the absolute highest-pressure option, and at full power not "eco" mode), ending with both of them at "one bar" left. I imagine those two 8Ah batteries would last for about 40-45 minutes or so had I had more power washing to do. Given the machine will run with just one battery, I was surprised to see both batteries partially used at the end rather than one fully consumed before it switched to the other. In any case, this seems a bit better than the "18 minutes on full power" estimate (which would be about 29 minutes for 8Ah batteries instead of the included 5Ah batteries), but also recognize that I had the hose water pressure coming in (not pulling from a siphon, although that is at max about 30 psi so doesn't seem likely to be very significant) and was using it normally (not full-on 100% of the time) for that time period.
The washer is very quiet. Not quiet like "I can't tell it is on", but much quieter than gas power washers, and while I didn't do a direct comparison it seemed quieter than the lower-power electric washer as well (presumably this is due to the brushless motor). Like that one, the motor only goes when water is flowing, so the noise isn't constant either. Definitely don't need hearing protection while using (unless you lean over and put your ear on the motor while you are spraying water and the pump is pressurizing...)
A few negative notes:
* There is no soap dispenser included with this power washer. There is a tube to go into a soap bottle (presumably; no mention of this in the manual other than the label on the diagram as "9 – Detergent hose"). I was expecting a soap tank like the plug-in 3000 psi units (and my old 2000 psi unit) sport.
* If siphoning from a bucket, recognize that a 5 gallon bucket (~42lb of water) will be fully emptied in just over 4.5 minutes of use at 3000 psi/1.1gpm.
* Because the motor starts only when spraying, if you have it off for too long there is about a second of delay where you get just a dribble of water, before the full pressure washing starts. Not a problem in "normal" use, but noticeable when first starting or after changing nozzles.
* Self-evident: price is high, which affects the overall "value" here, but if you need "off-grid" or "semi-off-grid" capabilities and gas isn't an option, this is the best I can see out there.
Overall, very happy with this purchase, and looking forward to more opportunities to use it!
  • + Pros:
  • Convenient,
  • Quiet,
  • Powerful
Recommends this product
✔ Yes"

It is notable that for some strange reason Greenworks has omitted the soap tank, even though they provide a soap nozzle and plastic tubing connected to the pump for insertion into a tank. Bizarre ! Personally, I prefer to use a foam cannon, so this is not a big deal for me, but something that may matter to other users. Also, since the pressure washer can operate on a single battery, you don't need to have two additional batteries to continue operation when the first pair is depleted. In my case, I have one 4Ah, two 6Ah and one 8Ah batteries in addition to the two 5Ah batteries that are supplied in the kit, so I should be able to operate the pressure washer at full power 3000 psi for over one hour.

According to FedEx, I should be receiving my pressure washer on Monday May 15.