To All,
I have a 21 MTD 4.5 Briggs and Stratton push lawn mower. The reason why I am on here is there is something wrong with my mower. She (meaning the lawn mower) fires up every time, but I have notice that the noise from the machine fades in and out (in and out power). It seems to cut okay but the fading is bothering me; not to mention the motor is semi shaking / rattling (a hard vibration). So how did all of this come around? In the past I have ran over rocks and hard objects but just a few days ago I was mowing and I accidentally ran over a huge rut in my yard. The mower made large clingy noises and a high pitch noise from the motor; eventually the noise kind have went back to normal but now it is fading in and out (like it wants to cut out). From this cock-a-mane story can anyone tell me what they think might this be? All suggestions are welcomed!