Briggs 282707. I can't find a torque spec for the crankshaft counter weight. It was pretty tight coming out. Any loctite on it?
If you are looking up I can also double check the head and rod torque.
Install screw(s), spacer(s) (when used) and lock tab (when used). On counterweights with one
screw, torque screw to 115 in. lbs. (13 Nm). On counterweights with two screws, torque screws to
80 in. lbs. (9.0 Nm) and bend lock tab against flat of screw.
NOTE:On counterweight assemblies using one screw, rotate crankshaft to check for
binding. If binding exists, loosen and re-torque screw. Check again for freedom
of rotation.
Head is 185 in lbs.
Rod bolts.
* Both Rod Screws Same Size:
Torque to 185 In. Lbs.
** If One is Screw is Smaller. Torque Small Rod Screw First 160 In. Lbs.
Torque Large Rod Screw Second: 260 In. Lbs.