I'm planning to have a large garden this year. I'm planting it differently than the norm. I'll be using 4 foot by 20 foot areas with about a 3 foot space between them. I haven't decided what to use for those spaces, but I'm only going to want to till the 4 foot by 20 foot areas that I'll be planting. Once planted, it won't be necessary to use a rototiller, but I'm going to buy, rather than rent one. I'm not sure what size will work the best or even what brand is the best. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I use more of that type of system, the garden pictured has been in use for 26 years. The only things I plant in rows are what need trellised. I turn my beds by hand in the Fall, the use one of the 10" tillers to prep the beds for planting. I use "aged" coarse sawdust for mulch, this holds down weeds & helps control moisture. The "sawdust" is actually chips & sawdust mixed from a pallet plant (free for the hauling). I bring during the Summer what I will use next year. ~~ grnspot
You could also use grass clippings for mulch. I have used grass clippings several times. It also holds down weeds helps to keep the moisture. The grass also feeds the plants as it rots it is like a fertilizer.just a thought