My little brother gave me his old murray riding mower model 405000X8G last year. As he told me the brakes were bad on it. So I youtube how to adjust them and it did work till this past weekend. But in the mean time i've been trying to locate the brake shoe/puck for my model. I've downloaded various diagrams for this model and no where does it show or ref to a brake shoe/puck. Can anyone tell me of a model number for the brake shoe that I can purchase to replace the current one that is long over do to be replaced? TIA.
I believe this is what you're looking for, take your pic !!
thanks for the reply's. I do have that manual already and I have adjusted them. I'll grab the info on the trans this weekend when Im up at the lake. I'm that one of those links will provide me with the correct brake shoe. thanks again.
thanks for the reply's. I do have that manual already and I have adjusted them. I'll grab the info on the trans this weekend when Im up at the lake. I'm that one of those links will provide me with the correct brake shoe. thanks again.