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mower just quit 30 seconds into mow???




Just took the mower out, full engine, engaged the blades, did one strip and on turning it around for strip two, it stopped moving. Engine is fine, blades are fine, but it won't go with the zero turn handles. Any idea? I don't see any fluid, hear any noise, see any smoke, find a loose or broken belt (what I figured it was)???

Thanks for any help. Just sitting out on the road on the edge of my lawn now... :(

Hustler raptor 52"




Check to make sure the belt is on the correct pulleys.. or didnt jump off one.




Found a belt that is not the mower deck belt it threw the last time I was on. It's way up under the seat and I can pull on one end and see that it's loose and that it's not broken, but I can't see enough to find a pulley to put it back on or anything. Ideas of how to get at it?





Solved. Was able to get it jacked up and find two pulleys the belt had come off of.


The Chairman

The Chairman

Solved. Was able to get it jacked up and find two pulleys the belt had come off of.
Don't worry. You'll get lots and lots of practice. Be sure to feel the fans with your fingers. Once nicked, they'll throw things off. Check the idler pulley from time to time as it can get nicked. I found going to a kevlar fractional hp v-belt resolved a lot, tightening the pivot joint of the idler pulley arm just in front of the engine after I was done also helped a lot, but you have to remember to loosen it if you have to do this again. I also put a second spring on the adjuster which helped a tiny bit (smaller and fit through the OE spring). Be sure you have the beefy brace... it's a warranty replacement if you don't. Mine came with one, but I can see how that would cause issues. On my SD, there was no need to remove anything but the spring to get the belt off or on. A friend watched a youtube video where he was supposed to take bolts off.

I have a 60" SD Raptor and my belt is 51 inches long, part number 6851. I also find the Lisle 45100 spring tool invaluable in popping the spring onto the pulley arm hole.





If throwing belts check your brace between the Hydro's.

Do you have this setup underneath?

Hydro Cross Brace-Upper-Installed.jpg

Also check the bolts to make sure they are tight and not broken.


Mr. Mower

Mr. Mower

Where did you buy the Spring Tool at (or from)?

Don't worry. You'll get lots and lots of practice. Be sure to feel the fans with your fingers. Once nicked, they'll throw things off. Check the idler pulley from time to time as it can get nicked. I found going to a kevlar fractional hp v-belt resolved a lot, tightening the pivot joint of the idler pulley arm just in front of the engine after I was done also helped a lot, but you have to remember to loosen it if you have to do this again. I also put a second spring on the adjuster which helped a tiny bit (smaller and fit through the OE spring). Be sure you have the beefy brace... it's a warranty replacement if you don't. Mine came with one, but I can see how that would cause issues. On my SD, there was no need to remove anything but the spring to get the belt off or on. A friend watched a youtube video where he was supposed to take bolts off.

I have a 60" SD Raptor and my belt is 51 inches long, part number 6851. I also find the Lisle 45100 spring tool invaluable in popping the spring onto the pulley arm hole.



The Chairman

The Chairman

Where did you buy the Spring Tool at (or from)?
I have one from MAC tools and another that's a Lisle tool. The picture came off of www.Smile.Amazon.com. When you screw the tool down on the spring, you have complete control of it and it's less than $8 shipped. Here's the link: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002SQU8Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Mr. Mower

Mr. Mower

Thanks for the quick reply. :thumbsup:

Although I already have a special tool kit specifically for brake jobs, etc. it does not contain anything like this tool.

But after reading the positive reviews on the tool, etc. I still went ahead and just placed an order for one.

I have one from MAC tools and another that's a Lisle tool. The picture came off of www.Smile.Amazon.com. When you screw the tool down on the spring, you have complete control of it and it's less than $8 shipped. Here's the link: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002SQU8Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


The Chairman

The Chairman

Thanks for the quick reply. :thumbsup:

Although I already have a special tool kit specifically for brake jobs, etc. it does not contain anything like this tool.

But after reading the positive reviews on the tool, etc. I still went ahead and just placed an order for one.
Not a problem and you won't be disappointed.
