I have just inherited a Mountfield lawnmower with a Briggs & Stratton engine type 010D902-0153 B1 05051654
I can get the engine running but because the springs on the carb choke are missing, it runs very erratically. Could anyone advice how to proceed with this please.
The two governor springs are part number 690254 and 691859 the long spring is connected correctly, but the short spring also connect to the governor linkage where the long spring is connected but the other end connects to the tab sticking up closest to the throttle on the carb with the slot in it. then you have to take the tension off of the short spring by bending the tab closer to the carb, and then bend the tab that the long spring is connected to set the rpm 200 rpm below the normal speed of the engine. And then bend the tab with the short spring to bring up the last 200 rpm to set the engine speed correctly. If those two springs are not set correctly will cause engine surging.