I'm starting from scratch, this is the first I've seen them and I don't know anything about their condition or history. I need to learn about each one, or at least learn about their similarities and the possibilities for mixing & matching.
if anyone has experience along these lines, I sure would appreciate any input. links or pages with info would be helpful, I'm willing to do my own reading.
if the "21" is any indication, I think all of the chassis are going to be easy to swap parts on?
thanks for the confirmation, and after learning a bit more I see we got lucky that all 4 use the same drive configuration.
I know one 6hp runs, and the other 3 are unknowns, but hey at least one has to be doable, you'd think. hopefully it's the other 6hp.
all the belts are suspect and all the pulleys are crusty, so the plan is to de-engine all of them and refurbish 2 good frames and drives, then worry about the engines later.
we're obviously going to replace drive belts, but I think I can clean and lube the other parts and they'll be just fine. I'm stripping the "little" one first as a learning experience, and then i'll take all 4 completely apart.
the oldest mower (3.5HP B & S engine) seems to have an identical drive on it, but uses a shorter pto belt than the other 3? is this because of shaft-pulley size or wheelbase? in other words, if I want to put a larger engine on the old mower, will I use the 25" belt version or stay with the 24 1/2" ?
any help is greatly appreciated, as I'd like to go ahead and order our new belts and have them handy.
I looked it up in one of my old belt books. The original spec called for a 24 1/2" belt. It may be possible that the belt was replaced with a standard 25" length belt before? You want that belt to be pretty snug as it carries quite a load on it. Make sure that the arm that holds the idler pulley is free and has good spring tension on it.
cashman, I couldn't have asked that question in a more confusing manner if I had planned it, but thanks for trying
I was looking for a physical reason for the belts to be of different lengths, so I did what I should have done in the first place. I measured pulleys and distances.
the 3.5hp engine uses a smaller pulley on the crankshaft, hence a shorter belt, it's that simple.
in the hopes that the other 6hp or the 5hp is good, I've ordered two 7012353 belts.
engine-mounting bolts are breaking. way too much rainy exposure on a couple of these mowers. i'll deal with that later, the engines have to all come off anyway.
let's say we build a couple nice frames & drives, and decide it's worth new (budget) engines...does anyone have a direct replacement engine they'd recommend?
Been out of the mower business for a while and I don't know about any current replacement engines. I've been wanting to try one of these Chinese clone engines on something just to see how it will hold up. The Snapper P-21 engines had a fairly long crankshaft on the PTO end. You'll need to match the diameter and length and if your original engine had a keyway for the pulley?
the exposure has rendered some pieces beyond salvage, stuff is breaking, bearings are seized or crunchy, and i'll barely have enough decent parts for two complete mowers. here's the rundown so far...
21351PD: stripped, good chassis & handle/controls, needs self-drive rebuild. a keeper.
P215098: stripped to deck. drive and handle/controls good, installed front wheel assembly from P21612 & rear wheels from MRP216014B. new belt and restored self-drive by mixing best parts, reassembled, ready for engine.
P216012: deck rusted through, stripped for very few good parts. 2 of 3 engine bolts broke, will ez-out later and install on the P215098.
MRP216014B: untouched except for rear wheels. I want this engine (and self-drive) for the 21351PD, hopefully it's still good.
ok then, I know how to use forums and I like to post info to pitch in. I wanted to put up a few snaps for fun tonite, but I really do not like this upload interface, way too many steps and dead-ends, so thanks anyway and cya.
You can upload photos to Photobucket and then attach them to your posts. Like this:
BTW this post took me all of 2 minutes to create. :laughing:
well, I'm happy for you and your smarmy attitude. I've been running and participating in forums for years, so I may know a thing or two.
what if I don't want to open another new account somewhere just to put a couple pics up here? what if all I want is to use the integrated upload feature from my phone to the forum, without resizing or relocating, like a million other places allows? why even have it otherwise except to waste new members' time figuring out it does not work as intended?
what happens to a forum that uses remote hosting when the remote account gets canceled or changes? the forum gets a lot of empty posts with red-X's, that's what. but hey, do what you want and I will do what I want.
heck my free nabble forum will even resize pics automatically. browse, click, insert. no muss no fuss.
I never liked the way this forum's upload feature worked. And since I'm not a member of any other forums, I didn't know it could work any better.