I found some good info online to help me with getting to the flywheel and taking it off. The magnets on the flywheel were pretty rusty so I cleaned those. Not sure that matters since they are magnets. I got the flywheel off and immediately saw that the line part of the rubber fuel interface to the engine had a HUGE hole in it! See the pic. This freaked me out with questions of how could the mower have even run after 30 pulls if fuel is coming out of that hole and massive amounts of air are going into the engine and why wasn't there every a fire with the heat from the engine and fuel in that gaping hole area?. It really was a "Wow!" moment. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's the source of my startup problems.
It was a great exercise tho in learning how to take the engine apart at least to that point. If this mower lasts another 5 years perhaps I'll tackle a full overhaul!