Machines sometimes react well to promises of future maintenance


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2013
  • / Machines sometimes react well to promises of future maintenance
I've owned a great old Simplicity snowblower which has served yoeman duty for going on forever. This year, my bad, I didn't get around to annual maintenance. With my wife in the hospital and eight inches of new wet snow, the pulley which drives the auger lost the key and spun on the shaft. "Just get me through this one day and I'll give you new belts, new bearings, lube; anything you want." In windchill of zero, in the snow, I tightened the set screw down into the keyway, but I didn't get the pulleys aligned well enough, anyway, the old dog held together long enough for me to get the driveway done before shredding the belt. I promise I'll make it right, but please don't let it snow Sunday.

jack vines