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LX277 Trans




As I was finishing mowing today the trans started making a humming noise (like it was low on fluid) and the tractor seemed slower, when i checked it out there was fluid slowly dripping near the tank but it wasn't at the low mark yet. I did notice a constant sound as if wasn't vented (glug, glug?) and also the tank did not feel like it is fastened. I haven't checked it out good yet because it is pretty hot but does anyone have a opinion on what might be wrong.




Just a update
I could not find any leaks so I tightened the hose clamps and although they did not feel loose I was able to turn them in easily. I added 1qt of John Deere hydraulic fluid and after 1 1/2 hrs of use nothing leaked.
I don't know why but while the trans was low on fluid the tractor would not free wheel, after I refilled it did free wheel. Hope this helps.





Is it still making the noise?




No noise. It was low on fluid (1qt) when I went back the next day so I either made a mistake when I first looked at it or the fluid went down as it cooled.




You must ALWAYS check hydraulic fluid when cold. This fluid gets very hot and expands, which will give you a false reading.
