It is easy to remove the transaxle and change the oil, it takes about an hour or less to pull it off. jack up the rear high enough to get jack stands under the frame just forward of the tranny. Then Remove the 7/16 nut holding the brake cam on, then unbolt the front two torque bracket bolts, then place a jack under the tranny and loosen the axle shaft bolts and let it drop until you can access the speed control rod, wheel it out the backside. Then simply clean the area well around the drain/fill plug and remove it. Flip it over (it is not heavy, maybe 35 lbs.) and dump the oil in an oil pan. Then refill with 20-50 synthetic to about one-half inch from the top. Use a drill with a 1/2" socket adapter to rotate the bolt on the pulley while moving the lever from forward to reverse a few times to purge it and recheck level. Re-install.