I recently acquired a Toro front propelled mower with a blown engine for free. It isn't very old at all and the deck is in good condition, so I thought it would be good to buy a new engine from the smallenginewarehouse.com and get it running to either sell or use. Unfortunately they don't have the exact engine, and I don't know where to find the model number of the deck. The engine is a Briggs 126T02-0299-B1. Is there an equivalent engine I can use? Thanks
Briggs shows the 126L02-1031 engine as the replacement for your engine. But basically you can use any pushmower style engine as long as the crankshaft is the same diameter. If the engine you purchase has a crankshaft that is too long, the center hole can be drilled deeper and the threads cut into the unthreaded part, then cut the crankshaft to length.
How do you measure the length? I would prefer to be able to buy one that I wouldn't have to modify, but if I have to, I am pretty sure I would be able to. I measured the diameter, and it seemed to be 25mm, but the pulley and blade bracket thing are still on the shaft.
Actually, I just checked this engine, and the crankshaft is the same part number as the original engine, so does this mean that they are the same? 126T02-1841
Same part number will give you same diameter and length. No modification required. All push mower mounts are universal, the only thing that you may have to watch out for is different location for safety interloc cable lengths, but is normally a easy fix.
Cool, thanks. That sounds like what I will probably do then. Thanks for the help.
I talked to the lawn mower shop and they said that they will check to see if they have a used Briggs engine for my model, but he said that most likely he will have a full mower that he can sell me for about $100. My other option is to get this 126T02-1841 , but because of shipping, it would cost $150. I would go for a used one, but when I can get a new engine for just $50 more, I don't know. I will of course check out the mower if they have one, but I am also looking at getting a new trimmer, so any money I save would help. So I guess I am asking if people have had good luck with used engines, or if it is just too hard to tell if they are good or not? Thanks
No way to tell if a used engine is a good one or not. Too much unknown. The thing about the new engine is you have a warranty to go with it.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. The guy said he would check and then call back within the next few days, so I think I will just wait, and if he does have one, maybe just check it out. Hopefully I finish this soon, though. Thanks
I'm just curious, what would make this engine 12S602-0111 different from this engine 126T02-1841. The second engine is the one with the same crankshaft as the original one, but the first one has the same shaft diameter and length. I see that the second engine has the tapped keyway, and the first one doesn't say anything about this.
Stay with the original quantum engine.
Its a far better engine than the john deere branded intek engine.
The crank is different due to certain Toros having certain blade hubs that used a tappered crank.
Again just curious, what makes the quantum better? I know that it is very reliable and lasts forever, but what else?
Also so that I don't have to open a new thread, would you or anyone else be able to tell me anything about a Briggs model 12H802-0822 engine? It is for an older Snapper Hi-Vac, but I am having trouble finding anything about the crankshaft to find a replacement.
Thanks for all the help.
Okay, the engine arrived to day and looks great. I am sure I will deal with the smallenginewarehouse.com again because it was packaged nicely and arrived in two days (Well, that's what I payed for, but still) My only thing would be that they need more shipping options since $20 was the cheapest to my location, and I didn't really need it in two days.
I cleaned the top of the deck and got the blade/belt adapter on the engine, which by the way is it just held on by the blade bolt? Unfortunately for me, the engine mounting holes were not threaded so I will need to get the right tool, and then all I need to do is mount it, add some oil and gas and then go. Hopefully I can get some pictures up. Thanks
The main bolts you took off that hold the engine on should be special thread chaser bolts.
The factory use them when fitting the engine to the deck so they dont need to thread the holes then fit bolts.
So does that mean that I just need to use a bit of force and is there any special technique to do this? Thanks
Yes the bolt should cut its own thread with a little force.
But it is easier with a tap.
What would you recommend doing? I should be able to borrow a tap from the shop at school. I'm just wondering because I don't want to ruin my investment by messing up the mounting holes.
And by the way, I don't have experience with using a tap.
Okay, I got the bolts threaded in without using a tap, got the cable hooked up and the blade attached. I put in the oil with a little of Marvel Mystery Oil, same with the gas, and then did a few slow pulls to get the oil moved around a little. Then I started pulling for real, and no start. !?!?!? Then I remembered the primer. Pulled the rope and it started right up. Surged a little and smelled funny but nothing major. Seems pretty quiet but I can't say much for power as it is still winter (But I know these have a good reputation) The front drive self-propelled does bother me a bit, though. It wants to pull even without it engaged, and then when I do engage it, it takes off at like 50mph. I'll have to see but I may want to just remove the gears and make it a push mower. Thanks for all of the help and I'll try to post pics tomorrow, Thanks