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Lombardini IH 218 wont start.




Hello everyone i have a 26 year old Lombardini IH 218 intermotor gas engine with some problems.
The carb was full of moisture and water and all that bad stuff but i tore the carb apart and cleaned every single thing thats on it.
But (stupid me!) When reassembling the thing i forgot to take the 2 rings away to screw the carb onto the engine again.
So the 2 rings where in the way but i didnt see so there was some space between the intake manifold and the carb.
So i was happy that everything was tight and good on its place and i started it and it was on low throttle but when i started it it was running on high throttle because it was getting false air. But i just was letting it run because i was happy that i got it running.
But i mentioned that there was space between the carb and the intake manifold so i took it of again and i saw the rings and took them off.
So i putted it back together and tried to start it again but it didnt want to i just kept triing until it gave some life but it fell off again.
So i was telling the whole story to my buddy and he said maybe the valves got damaged because it was running at high RPM when it kept getting valse air.
So i was like no it cant be but i wasnt sure so i figured out that you guys here maybe could help me out.
Its not that i dont know anything about small and big engines because i know a lot about them but i just wanted to ask you guys before i am pulling the head off and all that fun stuff.
So if you guys want to help me out id appericiate it.
Thanks Lombardini




if there was air leakage, causing more air and it was running, but now with the carb installed properly, wont run, it could be flooding.
a compression test and leak down test will help determine the condition of the valves




thanks ill try
