Looking for reviews on a lawn roller to pull behind my SD. Prefer steel models for durability. How heavy, can I go 900 pound? Or is a roller a bad idea on these mowers?
900 # sounds like alot... I used to pull a 40 inch roller which I think put out about 300 pounds. It pulled it real easy but it didn't cover the tire tracks of course but I figured the weight of the tires was probably fairly equal to the roller.... and to be honest it had very little effect on my lawn.... I'm not sure I'd be wanting to pull around a roller that weihged three times that much.
The EZT unit torque is 215 ft-lbs for a GVW of 900 lbs. My Hustler Sport is 500 lbs + driver 200 lbs = 200 lbs left to pull.
ZT 2800 unit torque is 300 ft-lbs and GVW is 1000 lbs. SCAG Freedom Z is 745 lbs + driver 200 lbs = 55 lbs let to pull.
ZT 3100 unit torque is 350 ft-lbs and GVW is 1200 lbs. Snapper Pro S50xt is 724 lbs + driver 200 lbs = 276 lbs left to pull.
Rethink your thoughts on what your unit will do.
I have the Fastrack SD and I will only pull up to 250lb's