Ok so I screwed up. My PTO clutch wasn't getting 12v to close and get the deck on so I said screw it, found 12v and a ground, ran it through a switch and it turns out the ground I used was the wire going to both coil packs. Long story short, I fried both coil packs, so I replaced them (and plugs), gapped both properly and now when I'm running the engine, it's running rough. Both cylinders are firing but it almost sounds like an issue with timing? I'm convinced I fried something else when I shorted out the Coils, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. I also tried putting in a new voltage regulator and that didn't make a difference. Please help!
Amazon coils are a crapshoot, that’s why 90% of the techs on this site never recommend using them unless they are the very, very last resort.
Something else to keep in mind. So the the KT series us fixed CDI timing modules and some use the MDI spark advance system. And the two systems are not interchangeable and if the wrong ones are installed will manifest as a bad timing issue.
SOLVED! Thank you!! I didnt want to beleive it but those Amazon coils were the culprit. Picked up some OEM's from a local shop and what do you know.. runs just as good as it ever did. Now on to diagnosing why my deck wont engage, ugh