Rivets, thank you for your post. Im sorry you felt the need for sarcasm though. I appreciate its a hard time in your country and Im sad and with you in spirit on it causing stress. I was polite and waited 3 days before a polite bump. My much smaller country has removed Covid for now, basically we jumped on full quarantine early, socially with 99.9% buying into it. Much harder in the US, we all hoping countries like the US etc get some respite from this ASAP.
Re google, not at my end, type in John Deere JX90 and this is the very first hit (outside the mower videos)
Its ok I figured it out hehe

, it was in reverse to my thinking, the blades dont spin until you apply the clutch, not the other way around haha

Not rockets surgery but I didnt want to potentially mess the clutch up by user error. So you just push the clutch bar down, then quickly push that yellow lever forward and back and that gets the blades spinning.
Thanks guys for trying to assist. Definitely much easier for someone with 5 prolapsed discs than a push mower.