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JX90 walk, how to use the right hand lever and blade clutch bar?




Ok this sounds like a real noob question.

But I have a fresh but used JX90 walk behind mower, 6hp kawasaki.

The blade clutch system, I dont understand why I need to pull the bar down and ALSO push the Yellow lever on right hand side forward?

Or do just push the lever forward when I want it disengaged but not moving?





Can I please get some help, somebody must know what the pictured lever does in relation to the brake clutch bar you hold onto?




I'm not familiar with this particular mower, but I would suspect that the yellow lever is the throttle. Does the yellow lever control engine speed?




No thats on the left side along with the walking speed.




First of all you are not going to get a lot of help by being impatient. Most of the techs on this forum have full time jobs and will answer questions when they have the time and are familiar with the problem. If you would provide us with the model and serial numbers off the mower, we could possibly help you. If you search JX90 it comes up as a tractor. That is probably the main reason no one has replied to your question. Due to Covid-19 most of us have lost our ESP and the local mind readers are held in quarantine. If you still would like some help, please supply us with a little more info.




Rivets, thank you for your post. Im sorry you felt the need for sarcasm though. I appreciate its a hard time in your country and Im sad and with you in spirit on it causing stress. I was polite and waited 3 days before a polite bump. My much smaller country has removed Covid for now, basically we jumped on full quarantine early, socially with 99.9% buying into it. Much harder in the US, we all hoping countries like the US etc get some respite from this ASAP.

Re google, not at my end, type in John Deere JX90 and this is the very first hit (outside the mower videos) https://www.deere.co.uk/en/mowers/walk-behind-mowers/petrol-mowers/jx90/

Its ok I figured it out hehe :), it was in reverse to my thinking, the blades dont spin until you apply the clutch, not the other way around haha :) Not rockets surgery but I didnt want to potentially mess the clutch up by user error. So you just push the clutch bar down, then quickly push that yellow lever forward and back and that gets the blades spinning.

Thanks guys for trying to assist. Definitely much easier for someone with 5 prolapsed discs than a push mower.
