My John deere L120 was running great. The other day it began to surge several times and eventually died. I was able to restart and mow again. In about an hour it began to surge again and eventually stopped running. Now I can't get it to start at all. I'm assuming a fuel or carberator issue?
Yes it does sound like a fuel system issue, mainly the carburetor, I would however, do an ENTIRE fuel system cleaning, THOROUGHLY clean the fuel-tank (remove if possible) replace ALL the fuel lines, install a NEW fuel filter and either really clean the fuel shut-off valve or replace it, ( install the shut-off between the tank and filter so you can change the filter, without fuel leaking out the tank ) THEN, do a carb. O/H making sure it's immaculate, and that, usually solves the surging issue ... BUT that's me, it's your call, whatever you decide, .. best of luck .. keep us posted ..:thumbsup: