I cannot start my John Deere JS46. I prime by utting gas into the carb and then it will run until that gas seems to run out... then it stops. The gas tank is full with fresh gas.
There is no primer bulb (sadly). I put gas in the carb and it ran until that fuel ran out. I don't have a "model" number, just what info I gave. I disasmebled the carb/reassembled it, cleaning it out … but no luck
Boudreaux In Eunice La.
Ok........ what side of the engine is the carb on when you are behind the mower ???? The left side of the engine or the right side ??
It was a plastic float inside the bulb. There was no model number on the carb I assume that's where I would have seen it (not found)
Boudreaux In Eunice La.
Yep all the newer carbs have plastic floats.... I was referring to a something else..... Is the carb itself a plastic carb or the metal carb ???
The model number of the engine should be next to the carb on a metal plate on the front of the engine...... Or on the valve cover..........If you have the engine I am thinking of ~!~!
Let us know Mon Ami ~!~!
Boudreaux In Eunice La.
Ok I found you a 30 second video on where to to find your Model number..........
Ok I did a lil more research and you have the Pro series Like I thought you had......... Forget all the other posts and Bull Butter about the plastic carbs....
You have the metal carb and bowl on yours .......... The bowl nut is your main jet and it has a hole in it on the top and a couple on the sides of it......
Take a wire from a bread tie and strip the plastic off....... Push that thru the holes and then spray carb cleaner very well to clean all the varnish out.....
Put it back on and start it up..... That is the main problem with most metal carbs.....