jd x300 starts fine with the break pedal depressed, but dies when pedal is released
R rca Forum Newbie Joined Nov 2, 2014 Threads 1 Messages 1 Nov 2, 2014 / jd x300 dies when break pedal is released #1 jd x300 starts fine with the break pedal depressed, but dies when pedal is released
M mechanic mark Lawn Pro Joined Jul 15, 2013 Threads 175 Messages 7,486 Nov 2, 2014 / jd x300 dies when break pedal is released #2 http://ww2.justanswer.com/uploads/motoforge/2012-05-03_200052_x3001.jpg your wiring schematic, locate & test brake switch should be located on brake pedal linkage, may be loose or needs to be repositioned properly.
http://ww2.justanswer.com/uploads/motoforge/2012-05-03_200052_x3001.jpg your wiring schematic, locate & test brake switch should be located on brake pedal linkage, may be loose or needs to be repositioned properly.