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I'm about to make a possum a pet. (sort of)




For starters, I know they're supposed to be called "O possums." But it's 2024 in the US. I think we can get passed all that. :p

So I caught this possum limping around on my back porch a couple of weeks ago. When I say limping, that's exactly what she was doing. Something is wrong with her front leg or foot. Anyways, I went out with some dry cat food in my hand. She limped away. But not out of sight. So I slowly put the food closer to her and walked away.
This went on for about a week.
One night, I forgot to close the back door, into the garage and found her in the garage eating some tinfoil that had some backed on grease from some pork chops. As I approached her, she showed me her teeth, but didn't hiss at me like the other times.
So when she turned to walk away, I picked her up. She then hissed and showed me her teeth. But didn't once try to bite me. After a couple of minutes, I was scratching her head and her back.

The last few nights, I haven't see her. I think she's either got her boyfriend coming with her, or another possum has ran her off.

Doing a little research on these has blown my mind. They're very necessary to have around the house. They eat all kinds of bugs. Like flee's and ticks. They can't hardly get rabies because their body temp is too cold. And some of these possum owners say they can be house trained and use a little box.

I'm not planning on bringing one into the house. But having one for an outside, half pet, is pretty cool.




No way I do that here as I caught them and relocate them 20 miles away or just shoot them. They kill my chickens. On top of that they have very sharp teeth and lots of nasty germs due to eating carrion.

And BTW their life span is the wild is only about two years. And the males will kill their young to kept the females in heat.

If you want an outdoor pet get one stripped smelly kitty cat. And they keep the thieves at bay. I had a solid white one for years until the darn owl caught her. Never had night time visitors. She around my place for 6 months before my family even knew she was there. Never attempted to pet her; know better especially since she still had all her's equipment.




PT I was taught in school that the O was silent therefore is was pronounced possum. Have an ex that pronounced it o possum with a short o, so she would would use it in a sentence as an o possum. And it sounded like Anna Possum.




No way I do that here as I caught them and relocate them 20 miles away or just shoot them. They kill my chickens. On top of that they have very sharp teeth and lots of nasty germs due to eating carrion.

And BTW their life span is the wild is only about two years. And the males will kill their young to kept the females in heat.

If you want an outdoor pet get one stripped smelly kitty cat. And they keep the thieves at bay. I had a solid white one for years until the darn owl caught her. Never had night time visitors. She around my place for 6 months before my family even knew she was there. Never attempted to pet her; know better especially since she still had all her's equipment.

I don't have any chickens. And I don't plan on putting my finger in it's mouth. And I'm NOT going to get a skunk. My cat would end up smelling up the house.

Possums eat their weight in tics, fleas and other bugs. Including those german roaches you find in the woods. (that if they ever find your house, you're in for a challenge), so shooting them is a no go for me.

I can't think of any wild animal around here that I'd shoot. Unless I was broke and hungry.




Personally I would not trust one not to bite.

And as far as eating I could find something as it be about as bad eating a vulture; although, I have heard people caging them for a month or two to clean out the carrion. Don't believe they only eat insects. I have seen them eating maggot infested dead animals.

I only dressed out one of them and it not something you want do nor eat after you see what I seen inside them. I was younger and curious but not anything more.




I don't have any chickens. And I don't plan on putting my finger in it's mouth. And I'm NOT going to get a skunk. My cat would end up smelling up the house.

Possums eat their weight in tics, fleas and other bugs. Including those german roaches you find in the woods. (that if they ever find your house, you're in for a challenge), so shooting them is a no go for me.

I can't think of any wild animal around here that I'd shoot. Unless I was broke and hungry.

Same here, couldn't shoot a thing.




If you’ve ever lived or worked on a farm you would understand that possums are dealt with lead poisoning. Worse than rats or mice. In the wild they will create havoc on game bird eggs. Been surprised by them in places I never expected. Never seen one I’d allow to hang around.




And it is good that women like Mink coats and stoles. They die of lead poisoning here too. The last one killed 22 chickens in two nights before I got him. And definitely was a him. City folks loves Possums so I trap and relocate them to the city.

And top of that feeding a wild animal might even illegal in your area.




Have you ever smelled the odor they produce when playing O possum ?










Have you ever smelled the odor they produce when playing O possum ?

Yes. Once my dog got after a possum. Slung it around like a rag doll. I finally the dog off it, and had my son take the dog into the house.
The smell wasn't pleasant at all.




If you’ve ever lived or worked on a farm you would understand that possums are dealt with lead poisoning. Worse than rats or mice. In the wild they will create havoc on game bird eggs. Been surprised by them in places I never expected. Never seen one I’d allow to hang around.

I get that, for sure. Can't have a predictor eating your food supply.




Or you pets...which my chickens are more family than a meal. They are what keeps me sane nowadays and I am highly protective of my family. That is why I had to shoot a dog the other day that was attacking my chickens. I couldn't find who owned it so there was no recourse other than to eliminate the predator. It cost me five chickens before I got it.
