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I put a Kaw FJ180 on a old Snapper walk behind with blown up B&S big six




Hi all,

Neighbor gave me a snapper self propelled walk behind 21" that had a Briggs big six with thrown rod. Couldn't stand to let it (the clean deck) just sit.

Ebay (3 months ago) had FJ180 Heavy flywheel (without the brake but had carb throttle) for $206 bucks and some luck in shafts being the same )all blade, pulley and blade fit but had to build a adapter to move the tank, put on a B&S exhaust deflector (not shown), Throttle cable added some commercial wheels and...Shazam!!! Took 2 hours to do it all.

Check it out.

2020-06-23 20.21.08-1 (1).JPG




Frank Woodbery

FJ180V is an awesome engine. I made the swap from an '80s vintage Wisconsin Robin to the Kaw FJ180V probably 10 years ago. It's been rock solid, powerful and reliable. One thing that helps is using non-ethanol gas if you can.




Looks like the newer KAI engine made in China.

Does that muffler not puff out the front?

Looks funny with a bag on her. Being a Ninja deck and all. Think you need to sell it to me.

I would rotate the pull start around but that's just me.

Can anyone, tell me, of any brand push mower, that is superior to this one? Crickets...........





Looks like the newer KAI engine made in China.

Does that muffler not puff out the front?

Looks funny with a bag on her. Being a Ninja deck and all. Think you need to sell it to me.

I would rotate the pull start around but that's just me.

Can anyone, tell me, of any brand push mower, that is superior to this one? Crickets...........


Just saw this post as I just used for the first mow this yr.

If its made in China like my Honda commercial Motors (has China on those) and Kawi on all the Toros, I am fine with it. I didnt see any sticker on this one. This one came with generic boxing from a wholesaler, probably sold thousands.

Bag is on it for the first 2 mows then its a ninja blade for rest of the season. Its made of left over and bought off the shelf parts. i have a complete swivel wheel set for it.

I pull start in while at the back, that's me.

Nope... This one makes me smile while using it.




That mower is a piece of junk. You need to get a new Honda or Toro. Then immediately sell this one to me. This is the king of pushers. It will fail on you. Should of bought a Honda....... Come on, you know it's a POS..... :giggle:





I will use this mower just to keep the this type of junk off the market and allow fellow citizens to go to Walmart (or such) and buy a disposable mowers to keep those respectable disposable mower manufacturing employees gainfully employed.

Then I will have a wonderful time watching those fellow nearby citizens with there bargain priced tinfoil plastic mowers trying to start them or getting the self-propelled working after a couple years or so and then setting them at the curb.

So you see, I will punish myself looking/using this mower for years to come as I ease into retirement.





What are the engine numbers on that monster? Any other parts you bought to create it? Would be great to get your recipe kind sir.





UPDATE: Almost 4 years later & still running and acting like it did in that first post. I did put a longer throttle cable. And it does have great power.
