Ok, I got my mom's mower since she doesn't need it anymore, and it has been sitting for about 2 years. I cannot get the thing to do anything. I have a good battery, I took the starter off and it spins freely, when tested with battery cables. I replaced the solenoid (p/n 862-1211-211-16) and verified the wires were going to it correctly. The mower will not do anything because when I turn the key, the fuse in the back blows. I also replaced the ignition switch. The mower model number is 13AM762F065, under that, 183629, Bolens by MTD. Does anyone know what else it could be, and what could be causing the fuse to blow??? I have downloaded the Professional Shop Manual, but I cannot find anything in there so far, that would lead me in the right direction. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated with this. Thank you
I would check the wiring for fraying, burnt, damaged wires and also check the connections. Fuse blowing is usually from a short or wrong size fuse used.
I would check the wiring for fraying, burnt, damaged wires and also check the connections. Fuse blowing is usually from a short or wrong size fuse used.
Thanks for the quick reply. I am hoping to get this running by the weekend. I tried following the wires, and none of them look to be damaged, the connections all are tight and clean, and the fuse it a 15 amp. I hope this helps a little more.
So, I was able to mess around with the mower a little more tonight. I don't see any wires that look frayed or damaged, I switched switches, and jumped the started directly from the battery. The starter engaged like normal, except for the sparks, but still cannot get past the solenoid and blowing the fuse when trying the correct way. It makes me feel like it is something simple that I have over looked. Does anyone have any idea what it is that I may be missing and causing the problem? I also checked to make sure that the brake switch was depressing all the way.
Ok, here is where I stand now. I replaced the ignition switch again this afternoon. With the key turned on, the fuse at the back lights up the test light on both sides. The solenoid will light up on just the post that is connected to the battery, none of the other three wires. I took the brake switch off, and checked it, nothing was showing any power on the harness end. I checked the ignition switch, and again, nothing was showing any power on any of the terminals on the switch, while plugged in. I made sure the fuse was good, re-connected the brake switch, sat down, depressed the brake pedal, and turned the ignition as if to start, and BAM, the fuse blows. This is getting irritating. Thank you
it appears to be the non-ocr electrical system without ammeter, on page 142.
OK fuse doesn't blow with key in on position, but blows when turning to start position. So the problem most likely is between the S terminal on the key switch, through the clutch switch, then the pto switch, and then to the solenoid. So someplace in that loop is a short, unless something is hooked up incorrectly. The other possibility is the battery is hooked up backwards.