I have a 2002 MTD Yard Machine 42" with a Briggs & Stratton 17 HP OHV engine, it is an automatic. runs great, but it doesnt stop. "break works fine if mower is not running" the brake pedal and gas pedal are both on the same side. if i let off the gas pedal while in gear, the mower keeps moving. nothing i do seems to disengage the transmission either, so i have to pull it to neutral.
You have a variable speed pulley system with a gear transmission, not a hydrostat. Make sure the gas pedal is returning to in up position. Sometimes the return spring will break preventing it from returning. If you have recently changed belts, did you you MTD belts. It sounds like the belt from the engine to the variable pulley isn't disengaging correctly. The front belt will go from the engine down the right side of the mower through two idler pulleys which is what engages the belt when you push the gas pedal. Then from there to the variable pulley and back to the engine. You have a problem some place in that belt region.
ok, thanks for the information. I just picked up this mower , so i dont know much about it.
as far as the gas pedal goes, when it is released, is it supposed to disengage and no longer move? and the brake is only used for parking?
it sounds as if its not an expensive fix, just have to find the problem in the pulley, or pedal adjustment.