Seen any cheaper pricing on these? The pricing I have seen is outrageous.
I agree totally, especially for a mass produced item, likewise for injection pumps(any).
I would offer it is a feature of the percieved potential market. A 'sophisticated' drive
in the hands of average joe(s) with going forward, fast (or reverse in many cases)
"automaticly"... like no stick shift, required. The manufacturers see 'abuse' and smile.
If you must work them hard make sure the drive is cooled in operation and oil is regularly
checked for quality.
We (.au) had a similar thing here with Greenfield's patented cork clutch system.
Unlike cones they gave/give a relatively maintainance free system with single foot pedal
control. When they did break the repair cost a bomb and (IME) was hardly comparable
to new. Yet to find out if same applies to hydra drives as I sure wont be buying a unit
iffn I lose one, or two.
Touch wood and lots of period inspections I wont have to.
... my two pennies on the topic