I don't think you will find that removing 10 gallons of grass from your deck is a common theme. I can only assume that you are mowing very wet or at least moist, long grass. The crappiest mower will throw dry grass. If you are mowing dry grass then either your blades are not spinning at full speed or there is another mechanical problem. Do you know if your mower is operating at the 18.6k BTS?
I do agree on WTF is the reinforcing bar doing across the discharge, and why the chute cutout over the blade there? Why not just a rectangle opening at the edge like every other mower?
My RSD 54 clogged up just like you describe, until I did two things:
I raised the discharge chute just a little, to level or just above.
I installed Oregon gator G5 blades.
Now it cuts more grass, at a higher ground speed, doesn't clog, and throws smaller pieces of clippings much further (up to 20' or so with the chute at about a 30 degree up angle), instead of leaving a windrow right at the chute.
I mowed about 2 acres of knee high pasture grass out behind the house and it just threw a wall of chopped salad out the side with the chute angled up about 30 degrees. no clogging for the whole thing and when done there was only a little grass packed at the front lip of the deck and a little stripe all around at blade level.
They put a reinforcing bar across the discharge chute....good one hustler(Sarcasm). Also Bad Boy might not be a good choice as they have some very noted cut quality issues. What other dealers do you have nearby?
I'll try raising the discharge chute and putting on a set of the gator blades. I'm not doing anything different than the last 40 years of mowing with many other brands of mowers; I still believe it's a bad deck design, along with a discharge opening that is just too small, but we'll see. I always wait for the grass to dry out, if we have a rain, which doesn't happen much in KS this time of year, and never wait for it to get too high, as some have suggested. The only time I mow below 3 or 4 inches is late in the fall, when I'm cleaning up leaves.
I did put on some gator blades and raised the discharge chute up as suggested; also I verified the height I was cutting...that stupid lettering instead of actual measurements WAS part of the problem, as the conversion chart I was given was 1/2" off! I modified my settings, too, and just finished mowing...still quite a bit of deck buildup, and with the discharge chute raised up enough to not block clippings, it does much better. However, with the deck top cut out as it is, a lot of the drier grass clippings just end up on the operator.
I don't really care, as I've now traded it off; just not worth the hassle, but maybe the above will help someone else.
This guy gets it. The brand loyalty thing on here is absurd. I just went with the best price mower in my range because your basically buying the same mower from every company...different logos. It's all about best bang for buck.Well, I think I'll just remain quiet about what I've traded it for until I put some hours on it and get a feel for how it's going to work for me. Everyone seems to be prejudiced about their favorite brand, and loves to talk trash on all others; I'm just not in the mood to hear it at this point. Choices in my area are very limited, unless you want to buy from places that have no service after the sale, and there are many like that. I did choose to go with a regular dealer about 70 miles away, as I've had experience with them, and they were more than willing to listen to my problem and made me a deal I couldn't very well pass on. I'll update later on this fall.
On the Raptor issue...turns out (learned this after I'd traded) that the factory had installed the wrong pulleys on the deck, so the blades were spinning much too slow, leading to the discharge problems I was having. Oh well, no regrets on trading it off.
From the dealer where I had bought it. According to him, there had been several different mowers that had the wrong pulley sizes installed by mistake, so it wasn't just on mine alone.How'd you find this out? Any info you can share for others to help identify the issue you had?
Never know, if it happened to one, could be affecting others.