New to fixing mowers. I have husqvarna hu775h. Ran great. Self propel cable broke, turned it on its side to fix it, proceeded to fix it, then went to pull start it and it’s locked, it won’t pull at all.
interesting part is I can turn the blade once or twice in one direction, then it won’t go any further, I can turn it back a couple of times, then same thing. Is it seized? Help!
Take the spark plug out and turn it over a few times. I think you've got oil or gas in the cylinder and it's hydro locked.
most likely it is hydrolocked with either oil or gas. Remove the spark plug and turn the engine over slowly and see what comes out of the spark plug hole. I prefer to use compressed air to remove what is in the cylinder because gas when sprayed out of the spark plug hole can create static electricity that can self ignite.