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Husqvarna 2042LS metal clank sound. help!!!




Hey everyone,

I have a 2042LS. Just recently it sounds like a metal bolt or something is in the fan blade and every 5-10 seconds sounds terrible. Like metal clanking around. Then stops. Doesn’t matter if it is at idle, full throttle, blades engaged or not. Starts and cuts fine but when the sound is really bad the RPMs drop then come back. I really like this mower for my yard and hoping someone can point me to where to look or a part that needs to be replaced. I’ve removed the top cover and looked around with a flash light. Running as well. I can’t seem to find the issue. I don’t think it’s something major like a crank shaft or something because it’s not consistent sound. Before I remove the fan hoping someone has had this issue and fixed it and could lend some advice!




First, please delete two of your three threads describing then exact same problem. Multiple threads only hurts your chances of getting help and will get very confusing. After you do that in the thread left, post all engine numbers so we have some idea what engine you are talking about.




Sorry for the multiple posts. My phone crapped the bed and kept deleting but I guess it was posting. I can’t just delete the others. I did submit request to have them deleted.




First thing that comes to mind from your description is loose engine mounting bolts. If it’s not that, have an assistant run the unit at different speeds while you walk around it trying to pinpoint an approximate location. Remember sound will travel a long ways through metal. Need to locate whether it’s engine, transmission or deck.
