I have a HRT216KTDA that won't come out of drive. Serial number MZCG6626387. I have done everything but disassemble the tranny. Lube, new belt, check drive wheels and gears. When it is not running the drive wheels lock up, cannot pull backwards. Anyone have any ideas, before I pull the tranny apart. Can these trannys be repaired?
Is that the metal deck version thats like the honda izy?
If it is then new transmission required.
The 21 inch is bad for that.
Sometimes the drive lever on the box sticks in drive aswell!!
You can sometimes free them off.
Sometimes the drive lever on the box sticks in drive aswell!!.[/QUOTE said:
Surely freeing something off to make it work again is repairing?
Only rivets will see that when he strips it out.
These gearboxes are usually sealed units and just get replaced.
When it comes to Honda's you have always got to hope!!
Yes, it is the metal deck. Guess I'll tear it down and see what's inside. Have to call the customer first to see what she wants to do. Never thought that Honda wouldn't have repair parts. Learned something new today. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks, Rivets.
I am sure that Rivets will do what is right, and I for one will not tell him what to do, I know better..!
I am here if you need me.
Thanks for the input Pug and EngineMan. Customers going to have a decision to make. The only thing I don't know is if I can get parts if she wants it fixed. Rivets
Thanks for the input Pug and EngineMan. Customers going to have a decision to make. The only thing I don't know is if I can get parts if she wants it fixed. Rivets
Thanks Robert, waiting for the customer to get back to me. I was afaird that was answer you wre going to post.
O dear that is bad new's, I was hoping you would take two days taking that to bit's and posting up photo's for us to see, now I see a sale of a new mover coming up....:smile: