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HRR216K9VLAA pinion gear engage issues




Just replaced pinion gears, and adjusted the drive engagement: Under no load the rear wheels full engage and drive properly, but in use if I "fully" engage the paddles, the gears "chatter" and seem to skip. (Note: the old pinion gears were substantially worn done nearly 75% of the way, with only the inner-most 25% still at full depth).
I have to gingerly engage paddles only partially, in order to mow with the drive engaged and avoid the chattering/skipping: Suggestions, anyone?

I replaced the complete set of wheels in July of 2021, and just this year added mountain bike tire treads to overlay the absurd plastic "treads" that wore out so quickly: Could the drive wheel gear teeth be the issue?

Thanks, all!





Check the bushings that the axles go through, sometimes they wear enough to make the space between the gears separate under load.




Not sure what is chattering but have had RWD mowers where the inner teeth on the wheel were worn such that after reversing manually(pulling backwards), they would not engage properly when trying to move forward. The teeth on the gears inside the gearbox are spring loaded from memory, and have no guaranty of good engagement. I would check the mesh of the drive gears to the inner gears of the wheels.




Not sure what is chattering but have had RWD mowers where the inner teeth on the wheel were worn such that after reversing manually(pulling backwards), they would not engage properly when trying to move forward. The teeth on the gears inside the gearbox are spring loaded from memory, and have no guaranty of good engagement. I would check the mesh of the drive gears to the inner gears of the wheels.
UPDATE: After replacing the pinion gears, it started to balk at rolling forward OR backward - "chattering" when the drive was engaged with the paddles, and intermittently locking up rolling backward and eventually forward, as well. Suddenly, everything stopped - no chatter, and NO drive engagement... becoming in essence a "push mower", which STILL locked up on occasion in either direction.

Pulled the rear wheels this afternoon (to determine the extent of parts needed to repair), and both pinion gears/circlips/washers/transmission axle rod ratchet keys/springs were all off and jumbled within the wheels.

I surmise the transmission axle bushings must've finally seized and blown everything apart?

Planning to order new transmission, rear wheels, pinion gears, all springs/washers/key/bushings, and the rear shield (which is partially torn)

Recommendations for the best pricing, anyone?

So far, I've come up with $220.45 (including shipping, no sales tax)...

Thank you!





Are you sure you want to put that much into this machine? I would look on the local web to see if there were similar or adequate replacements.You might find the same model being listed complete for less than your parts list so far... How old are the drive tires? How is the tread? How are the driven teeth? IOW, a of new drive wheels may be soon on your list. C-list and FB both have mowers listed at no cost.
I'd think a bit but after all is said and done, it is your choice.




Are you sure you want to put that much into this machine? I would look on the local web to see if there were similar or adequate replacements.You might find the same model being listed complete for less than your parts list so far... How old are the drive tires? How is the tread? How are the driven teeth? IOW, a of new drive wheels may be soon on your list. C-list and FB both have mowers listed at no cost.
I'd think a bit but after all is said and done, it is your choice.
Thanks for the sage advice, Tom!

I bit the bullet and acquired a Greenworks machine - and have listed my beloved Honda on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace: It runs perfectly well as an electric start push mower, and has a lot of extras - including the mountain bike retreads on all four tires (exceptionally better that OEM stock wheel, and they'll virtually NEVER wear out)...

Mebbe I'll garner a little but to offset the cost of the Greenworks?

