Ok James......... Yes take the screw out from the top of the carb..... That's gonna be your idle circuit and causing your surge.... If there is a jet in there just take a pic of how it went in.... Should be only one way to fit in....
That way you can tear the whole carb apart again in case there is crap from the tank in there.... Clean the tank out well and change the fuel line / lines........
Did you take the main jet out from the emulsion tube and then take out the fuel nozzle ??? There are a bunch of tiny holes in the fuel nozzle to clean out........
Let us know Mon Ami ~!~!
Well I got everything cleaned up and installed tomorrow. Thing roars like a lion now. Not even a hint of a surge! It took a couple of pulls to start the first start, but I am attributing that to it being cold. I let it sit a few hours and was able to start it right up. Woohoo! Thanks again!
My bad Ami!Well I cleaned the tank, swapped the thermo wax assembly, changed the fuel filter and governor spring, and installed a new carb. I'm still going to clean the old one as practice and pop it back on at some point over the Winter to see if cleaning that idle jet fixes the issue with that one. I didn't change the fuel lines just because they were like $25. I wanted to try to get it running for as cheap as possible before I sunk too much $$ into it. I didn't want to get $100 into it only to see it's more work than I can handle myself. But they'll get changed before the Spring! They obviously work, but I'm trying to get this baby ready for years to come so I figure I should get it done sooner than later. So they will be taken care if!
Yes you have to do stuff on the money side of things......... Was the carb a chinese knockoff or a Honda carb ??? One time I ordered a china carb for a guy and it didn't pan out ..... He wanted the cheap way out also... So the carb plus shipping to him and my labor cost more than me cleaning the carb in the first place..... Like they say a bought lesson is a learned lesson........... Wow fuel lines are expensive on line ..... Yes you will get some practice doing your old carb realizing there is no kit involved most of the time... Just a good deep cleaning like in the video..... You gonna go DUH when you clean yours....
BTW I am doing a series on a Briggs 6.75 EZ start engine overhaul.... The Hondas and the Briggs are so easy to recondition ......
My channel name is Boo LuQuette .... Here is the link to my 1st video on that series...... kinda boring I think ....Plus Tard Mon Ami ~!~!