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Finally taking the time to say hi to you all.:laughing:
Found this hang out in my various searches, and figured I'd join, since it is geared towards lawns and not measuring Kubota's.:banana:
The wife and I moved from the South Jersey Pine Barrens in the mid 90's blindly, just for the halibut, and to see if Piney power and redneck intellect were compatible. I immediately went to work for my wife's cousin small lawncare biz. Well that was an eye opener on the necessity of having quality gear, especially for the year round work down here.
Now that I'm in my desired home, with a 1/2 acre of pristine floritam that is sucking the life out of my 9yo JD L110, I'm joining you all so that we may journey together in my quest to seriously over buy for my needs, make my neighbors jealous, and turn my 1 1/4hr lawncare chore into a 20 minute inconvenience.:confused2:

My name is Steve, and I am a forum junky.
I work in Florida agriculture, and now a soon to be ZTR noob.




:welcome: to the forum Steve, Florida sounds like a good place to live.




Hi Steve

Welcome aboard enjoy us all:licking::licking::licking::licking::licking::licking::licking::laughing:
