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How To Access Battery on Snapper 28-Inch Rear Engine Rider (Model # 2691525)?




My Dad just purchased this rear engine rider about a week ago.

He's been busy getting familiar with it and was trying to raise / unhook the seat in order to get a look at the battery on the mower.

He's having difficulty figuring out how to unlatch the seat to where it'll flip-up and give him access to see the battery.

I've looked online and haven't found anything at all describing how to gain access to the under-seat battery.

He's just wanting to know how to access the battery in advance in case he needs to clean the battery posts if they become corroded, see if the battery is a sealed battery or if it has panels that lift out to check / refill with water, etc.

He's called the Snapper dealer and oddly enough, they're not really able to tell him how to disengage / raise the seat either.

Many thanks for any insight anyone can provide on this for this particular model rear engine rider.




Should be referenced in operator manual.
On left side as pictured:



mechanic mark
